I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me

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Marko X Reader

"Marko and his damn pigeons. What does he even see in those ugly mugs?" David commented, sifting through his old PlayBoy magazine he'd stored in a moving box awhile ago. "All they do is peck at our feet and steal our leftovers." He grumbled, tossing the series of papers into the trash can. 

"Paul has his weed, you have....PlayBoy, I have my books and Marko has his pigeons. Let me be." Dwayne slapped, 'Romeo and Juliet', his only copy, on David's throne, creating a giveaway pile.

Marko exited the individual caves with two gray pigeons on his shoulder, one nibbling his jacket as it attempted to steal a patch. "Evening, David. Anything interesting tonight?" He crossed his legs on his perch in the fire circle as he picked up and sifted through David's explicit Playboy magazines. 

"Nothing interest-" David glanced over and snatched the pornographic magazine from the innocent vampire. "Until you've gotten laid, you're not allowed to read these."

A raven flew through the cave, squawking like a maniac. Dwayne held out a finger and the delicate bird landed on him, relaying what had spooked it from its perch. "There's been some kind of attack on the beach." Dwayne announces. "We should check it out."

"Dwayne, we love you, but no. We're not cops." Marko complains, too lazy to rise from his crooked position. 

"We should at least check it out." David collects his shoes and brushes his hair into his signature mullet. "Where's Paul?"

"Off disappointing God, most likely, and smoking." Dwayne snitches, watching the raven climb the face of their home, settling in a crevice closest to Star's corner.

"Goodbye, little one." Marko kissed his rare specimen goodbye before obediently following after Dwayne and David to the top.

As soon as the bikes drew away, she took a deep breath and shed her feathers. She flipped through the Playboy magazine she nabbed and immediately, without thinking, threw it to the cave floor, surprising the high vampire below. She covered herself with a wing of midnight feathers and flew to a different crevice, her human form only making her heavier.

By nightfall she was fast asleep and suddenly shouts of 'what's that?' reached her hearing. She startled and transformed into her raven.

"I always suspected something was watching me." Marko mumbled. His gaze flew to a slowly-shrinking raven in the cave as she nibbled her feathers. He holds out his finger and she gently lands on him, eyeing the curly-haired boy. "Who are you?" She tilts her head in question, trying to say something despite her inability to. She flitted away just as the others stalked in, examining Marko's raven.

"Who's the new beauty?" Paul asked, leaping off the fountain with his rock box.

Marko's eyes widened, wondering if they'd seen his new girl at the Boardwalk. "N-no one." He stuttered.

"Relax, Marko. We're just bustin your chops." Dwayne slapped him on the back. "It's fine if you've a girl, but don't bring her here."

Marko knew it was too late for that.

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