Sam Imagine

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The brown-haired, fifteen-year-old had been awaiting this moment since he'd saw his girl. She was his and his only. She lets out a breathy moan as his lips nipped her lower lip. 

"Sammy....!" Michael, his older brother, stood in the open doorway, a smirk on his face. "Next time you want to explore, I suggest closing the door."

"Heh, sorry about that."

"I should probably go. My brothers will be expecting me home soon."

"When can I meet this family of yours?"

"I have a feeling you'll see them soon." She winks and gathers her jacket up. "Bye, Sam."

The mysterious redhead mounts her bike and pulls her helmet on, winking at Sam. Pulling into the 'parking lot' of her home, she stumbles down the stairs and smirks at her brothers. Paul and Marko raise their heads at her presence. David sends her a smug look. "I'm guessing you've been out seducing that Emerson boy, huh?"

"There's nothing wrong with getting to know your enemies." She sends David the finger. 

"We could smell him on you since your arrival."

"And your point is?"

"Um...yeah, I got nothing."

The Lost Boys Imagines and Preferences (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now