Marvel's Runaways X The Lost Boys - Crossover

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Two of my favorite things in one. There will be a part 2.

"I know that time-traveling is pretty cool, but our goal is to find the enemy and bring him back." Chase hands each Runaway a watch. "Y/N, you are to go to Santa Carla, California 1987. He is expected to arrive there in a few days."

"And what exactly am I supposed to do when I find him?"

"Try to corner him and capture him. But don't get too close to your past self, otherwise you could be erased from existence." Chase explained. "You only have four time jumps available. There and back, should be all you need."

"So basically we're going back in time to a moment we could've stopped, but something else could also happen?" You say. "What if one of us dies?"

"That is a very good question, but it just means your future being won't exist either as it's physically impossible." Chase demonstrates which buttons to press to travel. "Y/N, Neko will be traveling with you."

"Great," You sigh. "Ready to go to 1987?"

"Sure," Neko grumbles. "Although we both may need a change of clothes." She points at both your different, individual styles.

"First things first, outfit change. We don't need to draw attention." You say, grabbing her and disappearing into the past.

You land uncomfortably on top of Neko and she groans. Your current location looked a lot like the Santa Carla Boardwalk; you'd dine research on the entire place and it resembled nothing of the pictures.

"Jeez. Who knew simple time traveling caused you pain?" Neko rubbed her aching head. "Now, where are we?"

"The boardwalk. And right in front of an 80s clothing store." You smartly muttered. "Perfect opportunity for new fashion choices."

"Fine. Let's get it over with." Neko mutters. "We're already drawing attention."

You draw the gaze of four boys in your direction. They all dressed as one and the same, their eye colors setting them apart.


Neko steps out of the store in a leather jacket, black ripped jeans and combat boots with a black belt across her back that held her staff and a choker.
Your outfit was a lot like hers, except you had fishnet tights on under shorts and a cropped white tank. It was different, but still your style.

"So where should we look first?" Neko asks.

"How about we stick with the creeps?" You nod your head toward the same four boys you saw earlier. "They could be promising."

"You should change so it's easier to keep an eye on them."

"No way am I missing something as entertaining as this." You fuss. "They could be vampires for all we know."

"Come on. We can't afford to get on anyone's bad side here in this era." Neko drags you along toward the bad boys on their bikes. "But I hate fuckin vampires."

"Unfortunately they smell like vampires." You ruin the surprise for her. "Oh yeah. Definitely Undead." You cover your nose and breathe through your mouth.

"Would it kill you to at least act human?" Neko rudely says. "Doesn't seem like they're welcomed here. And neither are we."

"Just shut up and follow my lead." You mutter

The Lost Boys Imagines and Preferences (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now