Zombie Apocalypse - Part 3

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"Flesh And Bone" Zombies 2

A late night affair morphed into a surprise morning, the two vampires not seeing a cause for the civilians' chaos. Zombies had somehow slipped through the gates and were now chasing after their meals. Surprisingly, none of them had interest in the vamps.

Sam and Star's tent shook rapidly, the curtain falling to the icy ground. The two fought off a pair of rabid Walkers, snapping jaws and everything.

"Who the hell forgot to close the back gate?" Sam swore, fighting off the rabid creatures with a machete he'd found in the kitchen toward the beginning.

"Dwayne, look." Star pointed to a white streak in the sky as it picked up and dropped bodies. "Is that David?"

Dwayne waved his arms at David and the flying vampire dive-bombed Sam. Of course he brandished a weapon, which Sam sunk into David's bloodthirsty zombie form. A lot of his lower gut was missing, the skin hanging low on his waist. Dwayne and Michael observed David's unconscious form, examining the exact location of his bite. "That's a nasty bite. I wonder how quickly the virus spreads."

"That's not an experiment we should risk right now." Sam commented, using his long-archived, medieval sword to chop heads from bodies. "We have bigger problems. Most of them are...." he gulps. "Runners. Either you flee or die." He darted toward the main campfire spot and climbed up to the treehouse he found during his first day. He stuffed everything that had been stashed in the hidden compartment into his backpack, and murdered a few Runners that attempted to climb the broken ladder. One shot to the head and the bodies collapsed.

A searing pain in his shoulder caused him to collapse out of surprise and the new sensation running through his blood. The whatever that had bitten him, disappeared before he was done.

Sam raced back to the tents only to discover mainly bodies, none were his family. Star's backpack was gone, so was David's body. Soon the corpses would walk, and he didn't want to stick around for that. Footprints, at least three, led out of base and toward the secret tunnels. Sam took off through the fluffy, white stuff, slashing heads as he went.


"I hope Sam can find us." Michael moped, not knowing if his brother had survived the gaggle attacking the treehouse.

"I'm sure he's fine. Sam is a tough kid." Dwayne commented, yanking a drugged David behind him. The chain kept him quiet, as did the holy water ropes.

"Michael!" A distant figure sprinted towards Michael, entering the tunnel. The Runners chasing after him bounced back, making it difficult to fit through the low-ceilenged tunnel. Sam grabbed Michael's hand, promising to never run off again.

"Sam, you're alive. How? There were Runners on your tail." Michael wrapped Sam in a warmer coat, bringing him into his body heat as they walked.

"There's ancient Native American spirits in here. I can feel it." Dwayne mumbles, not quite realizing his companions weren't listening. There was a light pitter-patter of feet against dirt above their heads and they took out their flashlights. "Sam, don't. Something feels off."

Sam's flashlight turns on, illuminating the entire tunnel. Screeching from some sort of creature came from the ceiling and the light spooks them. "Sounds like vampires in here. No offense." He gives Dwayne a smile.

"None taken." He curiously gazes at the darkness, tuning his heightened senses to whatever was hanging. "We need to get out of here. There's a reason why Runners can't get in here. Smell that?"

"Mint?" Michael chuckles, slowly adjusting to his new senses. "There's something else, but I don't recognize it."

"Witches, Michael. This is a bunker built by witches and vampires, well, genetically modified vampires designed as attack dogs. I'm not sure if they'll attack us, but you're a prime meal, Sam. As are you, Star." The half vampire stayed a few paces ahead, not wanting to be seen as an enemy.

"Hello?" Star called out, shivering from the breezes that only brought more snow to the entrance.

"Everyone get your hands up!" A male voice barked. "Anyone with you infected?" A flashlight was shone in their direction.

Metal cuffs were snapped around their wrists, including David who maintained a somewhat normal, non-zombie expression. If he snapped at a guard, it would all be over.

"Come on. This way." A familiar voice nudged them forward into the mountain through a steel-enforced door. David's eyes had turned yellow, but surprisingly, still calm. Dwayne swung around to thank the guard for saving them, but they were gone.
"Clear." A machine buzzed and they shuffled off the X where a total body-scanning took place.

"What is this?" Star questioned.

"A backup base. The one just down the mountain was attacked. How'd you get away?"

Dwayne instantly recognized Paul and Marko, the two decked out in military uniforms and their weapons. Still no Edgar and Alan.

"We were starting to think you were zombie food, Dwayne. I can't believe you kept the human alive-" he paused. "Is David a.....walker? He looks so human."

"He sacrificed himself so we could get away. For some reason the virus hasn't completely taken over, so I'm going to start on a cure for it."

"My.....boys," David's chains rattled as he spoke. "We're.....gonna...get through.....this......together."

Dwayne knew it was going to be alright. He had a family, a home and a significant other.

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