"All Hail President Paul"

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Hey! Thought I'd try something new. So hope you like it. 

"What?!" David shook his head. He couldn't believe this. 

"It's right here in black and white." Dwayne pointed down at the pair of dice on the cave floor, sitting in the crudely drawn circle in the dirt. Paul was jumping around like an idiot and Marko was cheering him on. 

David squinted, leaning over the dice. Paul was swinging from the broken chandelier. "Oh my god. Why did I ever agree to this?"

Dwayne smirked. "Because your ego is huge and you insist you'll never lose."

"Shut. Up."

Paul cleared his throat loudly. "My first act as President....."

"Oh hell no!" David waved his arms, trying to shut Paul up. "I demand a do-over."

"He won fair and square!" Marko protested. 

"Shut up, Marko."

"Marko's right. 'Whoever rolled the highest number wins'. Paul rolled twelve. Two sixes. He gets to be leader for the night."

David crossed his arms over his chest in a sulk. "Not tonight. He can have tomorrow."

"That's just prolonging your agony." Dwayne grinned.

"No. Not tonight. I'm still leader, god damn it." David was in full pout mode. Dwayne rolled his eyes. Paul stopped swinging long enough to pay attention. "Tomorrow night, sun down. Paul can take......charge then. Ground rules must be laid down least he orders something absolutely dumb and gets us killed."

"Party-pooper." Paul muttered. David shot him a glare. Paul hopped down from the chandelier and stuck out a hand. "Shake on it."

David looked at Paul, then Paul's hand. "What?"

"Shake on it! Recognize that I won, fair and square." David glared harder, looking wildly at Marko and Dwayne. Dwayne shrugged.

"Oh, hell." David snarled, shaking Paul's hand and nearly wrenching his arm out of its socket. With that, David stormed off to his room. "I'll write up the rules."

When he was gone, Dwayne high-fived Paul. "I told you, he'd never guess the dice were loaded."

At sunset the following evening, three of the four vampires gathered in the main chamber.

David was pacing round and round the broken fountain, a piece of paper clutched in his gloved hand. "Where the hell is he?"

Marko smirked, glancing at Dwayne. "Oh, he just wants to be fashionably late, make a grand entrance." David shook his head and snarled a few curse words.

Someone made a noise from the side entry. Paul cleared his throat again. "Oh!" Marko grinned and pulled two kazoos from his jacket pocket, tossing one to Dwayne. Far from being in sync, they blew on them to make a facsimile of a trumpeting noise. It didn't produce a proper effect, but it was perfect for Paul........who strode into the room in a dusty top hat he'd found in one of the back caves and a sash with El President clearly scrawled in crayon. 

"Can we do the swearing in?"


Paul pouted. "Why not?"

"There is no swearing in. You're not an elected official. You won on a crooked dice game." David shot glares at Dwayne and Marko. "I heard that bit about the dice, morons." Marko and Dwayne looked with sudden interest at the dust particles floating in the firelight. 

"You're still letting me do this?" Paul furrowed his brow, studying David carefully. 

"Will you throw a fit if I don't?"


"Then there's your answer." David rolled his eyes and tried to smooth out the now-crumpled paper in his fist. "All right, here are the ground rules. You are leader in name only; anything that would be a drastic change or decision still falls under my watch. This means in no way can you force any one of us to do something moronic, like get pack tattoos or shave our heads or go on a killing spree. Anything that could harm us or get us killed is out. You've only got this job until sun-up. Got it?"

Paul nodded. "That's it?"


Paul smiled. "And if there was a decision that needed to be made by the pack? Like voting on dinner or where we go?"

David sighed. "That's not a major decision. A major decision would be, say, pack tattoos. Which NO, we are NOT getting tattoos."

Paul nodded again. "All right. Agreed, then."

"You're not gonna make me shake hands again, right?" David eyed Paul suspiciously.

"Nope." Paul smiled broadly at David. David shuddered.

"I'm going to regret-"

"First vote of the night!" Paul shouted. "I vote we make David the grunt."

"Seconded!" Dwayne shouted. 

"Aye!" Marko howled. 

"WAIT A MINUTE!" David roared. 

"Motion carried. David is our grunt for the night!" Paul patted David's shoulder, removing his hand in time. "Let's all go to the Boardwalk, boys."

Paul ditched the top hat and sash, heading up topside to their bikes. Wisely, Marko and Dwayne cut a wide swath around David and followed, snickering curtly. David sighed, alone in the cave. "I'm going to kill you."

The Lost Boys Imagines and Preferences (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora