Part 3

55 13 8

That's what sucker , I'm back . I'm kicking ass"
I said as I close the tv . I jumped on my bed . Looking at ceiling smiling
I did it and I'm actually happy about it . I feel happy knowing I stop some bad guys which make me want to do more. I'm going fo find the persons who's responsible for my death. I'm going to make them pay. I'm going to make them suffer, more than they make me suffer . I got burn in that fire , I don't know did I survive but I suffered . So will whoever behind it . They will die two times worse than me : fuck this fucking shit
" oh fuck I'm late for work. I quickly take shower and Put clothes on after literally 30 minutes after showing . I know for saying I'm late for work. I take 30 minutes in the shower that's mess up . I quickly put an outfit on. This is I literally didn't care what I wear , I just put some work shit one. I quickly take the key of my car and start the car but nothing . "Fuck!" I yelled then I get out of the car . Kick the fucking shut out rage . I get my phone then call my creep manager " I can't work today, my car is not starting."  I said to him " I need you today, look like your going to walk today." He said sounding like an idiot over the phone which got me more posed since I didn't like him " fuck you."  I said to him then dial the phone
I go inside the car and put my head on the weal, just  when I was about to fall asleep, I heard someone car beeping at me " ahh" I scream frighten . I got out of the car pissed as I see the car packed on my property " seriously some dick sucker." I thought in my mind I crossed my arm as I see this muscular, black guy " never that." I thought then he cane closer to me " your ready to ride?" He asked me " what?" I said still crossing my arm " Mr.George send me, enter before I change my mind." He said to me  I went inside my car and lock the door so he couldn't come in . He look at me questioning . I take my phone and call Gorge " what the heck George? I call you to let you know you know I couldn't work not to bring me a cock sucking pig to drive me. " I said to him on the phone " what do you want me to do , get in the car ? He could be a rapist you know." I said after then wondering why am I even worried . I can take care of my self. " I said then dialed the phone . I look at him . To be honest he was kind of cute but I don't trust him "ok, let's go." I said to him " I'm going to get some stuff inside." I said to him as he nodded . I quickly go inside and put a gun in my purse. I went outside to find him looking at my car. " what are you doing?" I asked as he look at me " there's nothing wrong with your cat, the wires were cut off."he said " what?, I would've notice." I said to him " he holds them and show me " what the fuck ? Who the fuck would do that ?" I stop then wondering " who else, those bad guys I'm looking for but they don't know I'm firegirl." I thought " how do you know it was cut off?" I said pointing my gun at him " oh shit relax." He said looking shock " I know you the one who can't my wires" I said to him
"Look like your a smart one; look just get in my car I will explain." He said to me " no." I said to him " I'm giving you a chance to go before I shoot, you have three second." I said to him
" I'm trying to get my job done, if your going to shoot , shoot." He said while making point my gun in his forehead " I take the gun out, I go in the car, I sit in front seat and waiting for him to start the car " so are you going to explain me what the hell is going on ?" I asked him and he keep on continue driving " don't you want me to know what's going on?" I asked him again as off course he just ignore me " I need you to get down." He said to me " why?" I asked as he quickly pull out his gun and shoot at my window " ah!" I said then look outside " The we're shooting at the car. He puts down his window and started shooting . I was in shock , I don't know why but I did not expect this. I lay down in the car while some glass started to fall on me " ahh, I scream as fire goes on the grass " what the ?" I quickly said " I need water, I need water." I quickly said to him " I don't have any. I heard him say calmly. "Hahaha" I laughed. I see him quickly look back " what the?" I heard quickly asked . I look at the back to see all those bitches following us . Yeah I quickly throw fire on all of them. I jumped on top of the car, flaming the other cars. He quickly stop the car and I jumped down . He got out of the car as I Transform regular
" who the hell are you.?" He Quickly asked as I respond


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