Part 16

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"how long have you been living here?" He asked " to be honest, I just move in myself." I said to him while he stop " we have one thing in common already, we both new here. He said bending going for a kiss as I hear " mh mh. turning around to see  my husband Satan clear  his throat. "Shit!"
I saw him coming closer as Ivan remove his head" are you ok?" He asked " yes, I am fine." I said to him just to see Satan standing in front of us, which frighten us " inside now." He said with his dark voice while he's eyes turning red " I'll see you around." Ivan said as I agreed . I take a deep breathe while going inside " what the fuck was that.? He asked throwing me around the room. I saw the blood falling out of my mouth " what are you talking about?" I acted dumb. He hold me up, hand on my throat " I will kill you." He said with his dark eyes. " kill me! We both know nothing happened." I said trying to talk . He chock harder where the blood started to fall on his hand" kill me, get me out of my misery." I said while he drop me. I was sitting down in the floor coughing as I watch him leave. I wondered why didn't he kill me. I sat there wanting to cry, but I couldn't. I saw him coming back " get up!" He said to me, I just sat there ignoring him" I said get up." He said another time but I did not follow.  He put his finger on my chin and say," when you fall down, you get up." He said to me "what did I say?" He asked me " what did I say Valdez?" He asked again which shock me " when I fell down, get up." I said as I was learning something new " who get up?" He asked " me, I get up." I said while looking deep into his eyes. " now get up, you have 5 second then this bomb will explode which you will die." He said "5, 4, 3." he started counting as I tried to get up. He look at me and smile," that's my strong wife." He said kissing me. For some reason I was pissed because he did not hear my side of the story. I wanted to punish him for that, the only thing I did was leave as fast as I could, while I was about to take two steps. My feet couldn't move, " what do you want?" I asked feeling weak. " making sure you got things clear." He said to me, I went closer to him " you could have hear me, you know my side of the story." I said spiting on him. He passed his hand on his face and smack me hard that I fell to the floor, " don't double cross me." He said going outside. " where you going Satan?" I asked feeling weak? But he didn't respond. I felt like I was a million years old. Then it was point blank. I wake up with him next to me, looking at me, which was kind of creepy. " where am I?" I asked " home." He says but it wasn't home, we were somewhere else. " you wanted a savior?" He asked "
For the first time in this new world I was afraid, scared oh him " I'm going to give you one." He said then chuckles
" I will make you not want to live." He said as his eyes lighting up. It was point blank. I felt the heat in my hair, I felt the blood running down my nose. " Ryder?" I repeat as I see the person tied up. I can smell his blood, he was scared, hell , I was scared " how is this possible?" I asked trying to touch him " you killed me, burn me alive." He said while I close my eyes in tears " your not real." I said fearing " you killed him." I heard a women said,  " Savannah." I said turning around to see her full of blood. I could never forget what I have seen.  The price i am paying for someone else mistake, even though I am dead. It was all point blank again . I wake up feeling so hungry, I still can't forget the picture of Ryder dying, and Savannah with blood. I wish I can start over. I wish my life was different. I didn't think I would end up here. In Satan palm hand, " I will do everything to get out of here, I promise." I said to myself, I've never felt so fatigue, even though I was running for my life. I need a savior, I saw satan come right next to me, he quickly grab me, chain my hand, I started feeling the heat, my hair was red as fuck, and it was on fire, I saw a guy in chains, I quickly jump on him. Hitting his head in the ground very hard. There was blood all around the room. I keep hitting him until he's took his last breathe, my hair was turning to normal. Eyes was normal until I saw him. " what did you do?" I quickly asked in fear
" kill your savior." He said with a creep heck of a smile.

"You are dead to me!" I said yelling while looking at my image," you killed me!" He said " you killed Ryder, Savannah," he said " no." I said in chocked " I will make you pay." He said as I see the door open " are you ok?" Satan asked . I look in the mirror to see it was just my reflection.

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