Part 4

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who the hell are you.?" He Quickly asked as I respond "Firegirl" I said then he look at me not like I was a dummy but he was lost. In my eyes, he was lost " what are you?" I asked him " what do you mean, what am I ?"'he asked crossing his arms " I mean, are you a bad ass?" I asked as he just ignore " "don't ignore me ." I said crossing my arms. " I ain't going to ignore you after you after what I've seen today. " he said as I quickly interrupted " you going to leave me alone." I asked " no, I'm going to bring you to your job." He said as I groan " after what happened, I don't think I can make it." I said to him as he continued driving " that's for you to tell your boss." He said to me " turn the car around." I said to him . He  give me that one look a mother or father would give their child as an no" Turn the car around." I said again as he still continue to drive and ignore me " do I have to?" He asked me "you don't have a choice." I said pointing my gun to his face .
He stop the car . He turned and look at me " you may have fire coming out of your hear but you don't scared me." He said to me
He didn't let me say nothing , he quickly interrupted " you leave me no choice as he get another gone and hit me with it. That's the last thing I remember after I blacked out . I wake up finding myself in a bed " I tried  getting up but I felt this pain in my head . It was killing me . I will pass my finger in my head . Holding my hair. To see a little mark. " that ass." I yelled as I go out . Fuck!" I yelled 
I quietly went outside to see him in the living room. Laying down on the couch. He got up to get the remote as I quickly kick him but he turn around to block me. As if he new i was going to do that. He look at me then kick me  which I block off course but I didn't expect him to be so good " let's stop this, then is childish." I said to him " something good finally came out of your mouth." He said when I started to walk away . I stop then turn to him " I will make you pay." I said to him
I quickly run out then I fell " fuck!" I yelled .  He laughed his ass up then I came up to him " who the fuck are you, when the fuck did you tied my leg without me noticing or feel anything?" I asked him
He laughed again which I punched him in the chest while he laughed his ass up again " Ryder James ." He said to me " is that supposed to be your name?" I asked him as he look at me " no Sammy." He said laughing " you get it sam me."he said trying to make a joke " why are you here? Who send you? And who the fuck are you working for?" I asked him as he just ignore me " you sure know how to ignore people." I said as he turn around " you sure say fuck a lot or did you get fuck too much?" He asked " I punch him I. The face and kick him in the stomach without him noticing.  He fell in the back as I laughed my ass up this time. He get up a little pissed . " you lucky I don't hit girls." He said to me then I turn around " you hit with with a gun." I said to him " what the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked him " it was either that or you kill me ." He said to me
I look at him and went to look for food which I fall again since I forget he tied my feet . He laughed as I fake laughed with him " I will kill you ." I said to him then left . I untied my leg then went to the kitchen of the house we were in . I look around everything was glass " you must he rich." I yelled at him
I look around everything . Everywhere in the house . I went down the basement . I went up the attic we look old off course . But the house was amazing . I look at be pictures . I see an amazing women . She was beautiful . The people was beautiful. I heard some glass fall in the floor in the living room. I heard gun noises. I quietly went in top of a cabinet which I saw men's was coming. I take a gun and puts my outfit on which changes color to red.  I went up to another cabinet and jumped on the guy that was checking the room.  I quietly went to the living room . I take a little sneak peek to see Ryder was tied up. I take my gun out and I shoot at the guy that was close to him . I throw my knife to untied Ryder. I kick one of the guys that was coming to me . And Ryder shoot one that was behind me. I look at him and smile. We both went behind each other's back and start fighting. I take my gun and give him a gun and start shooting at  them . " can't you use your fire like last time?" He asked me " you want me to destroy this whole building?" I asked he shook he's head yes" I don't know how, it just happened." I said to him as we both use our last bullet . I started kicking some of them . Five minutes after kicking ass all of them were down .
"Damn Valdez you got moves." He said to me
Which got me suspense " how the fuck did you know my last name?

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