Part 17

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Eyes was normal until I saw him. " what did you do?" I quickly asked in fear
" kill your savior." He said with a creep heck of a smile.
I quickly jump out of the rest of him. " what did you do?" I asked him in shock. I look at the blood in my hand. I just kill my savior. I felt the tears on my eyes. " what did I do ?" I whisper crying. I look up the wall then I see a shadow, it was smiling at me. The most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I felt the blood coming down my chill. I felt stuck. I saw him getting closer to me and while he was coming. I can see through him. The scars, it was ugly . I felt like screaming but again I was stuck. I take a deep breathe while I heard the door break open. " everything ok?" He asked trying to be nice " since when you cared? I asked leaving the bathroom . For some reason I felt safe with him by my side. Is that weird? I don't think so myself, I think it is ok to feel safe sometimes. I was so mad, so pissed, I couldn't trust him" I never trusted him anyway but I felt safe , I quickly get out of the room, slamming the door in the wall. " I wanted to trust him, even though he wasn't good for me, even though he chase me down, he didn't give me any choice. Him or the world. I look outside to see someone standing . I open the door to go see who it was." It look like my savior, I quickly go outside to see if it was real. When I got closer, I see the truth how it is. " he was half dead , blood all over, half eating, which cause me to scream.
I wake up in my room, I quickly get up, I saw him laying next to me" we could've being all that." I heard him say " but instead , I'm going to kill you." He said with a demonic voice which I ended up screaming." I quickly saw satan fall of the bed, giving me the devil look" I had a nightmare." I said " since when you scream about nightmares? He asked " I am human after all." I said to him" no, you are the fearless firegirl." He said as he hold my neck. " I am not hero,I am a killer." I said leaving the room. For some reason he actually follow me, " can I show you something." He asked as I shook my head. He take my hand and I saw I was in the top of the city. Everything was so beautiful . " this is so beautiful." I said to him " you so beautiful." He said looking at me. I smile trying to forget everything. I only see him in front of me, " my devil." And he was here for me. I put my head over his shoulder, there was no heartbeat but I didn't care either. Not at this moment. This is the humanist thing he ever done, it was very nice of him. I look deep into his eyes. I could see nothing but I didn't care. My lip press into his lip. He kissed me back very passionate. It was breathe taking. Until I saw him. " take me home." I said to him" please!" I said as he obey me which I was surprise " get some rest. " he says to me as everything turn normal. I quickly went to the bathroom washing my face , when I got up. He was there which cause me to scream" but I couldn't." You are dead to me!" I said yelling while looking at my image," you killed me!" He said " you killed Ryder, Savannah," he said " no." I said in shock  " I will make you pay." He said as I see the door open " are you ok?" Satan asked . I look in the mirror to see it was just my reflection. " I am fine." I said obviously lying. I quickly went out of the bathroom " I'm trying." He said as I turn around " I couldn't asked for more. "I said as calm as I could. I can see he sense him to, "can I ?"he asked then I interrupted him " whatever you want." I said to him. he lay down next to me, I turn around to face the wall. Wondering " is this my life?" Is this how I want to be remembered? Then he appeared right in top of me" I couldn't talk, couldn't move. I was frozen in fear." In Order to get out of here , you have to kill him, stab him where it hurt the most. " he said to me" he hand me a knife, it was sharp. I was still in shock , he disappear just like that. I saw the bright light outside" good morning." He said as I was in shock " already." I said as he smile. The room felt cold, I don't think it's him that's doing it, it's definitely the
person I am seeing. I felt like I wanted to hate him. I watch him turn around as he aim for his shirt. I lift up the knife, for about 3 second then I put it down as he turn around " are you craving strawberry?" I quickly asked
He smile as he just flip his finger and here they were, right in front of me " I want some real strawberry." I said to him as he put them in front of me " they are real." He said as he eat one " go to the store, buy me some." I said tried to get out of the house " why would I go out when I can get them just with a flip." He said as I interrupted him " I'm trying to live as normal as I can, please." I said then he finally agree
When he was about to disappear " use the car I quickly said he take a deep breathe and leave. I watch him leave the parking lot and he suddenly appear in front of me " I thought he would never leave." I'm not doing this for you." I finally have the strength to talk out loud. " don't you want to be free? " he asked as I stood there " don't you want to be with me ?" He said uncovering his face " Ryder!"

He's backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Bro , omgggggggggghhh ,
Let the battle began

To be continued...

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