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I have everything to set myself free. I know what to do to set me free. I can't believe it. Am I dreaming ? I can finally set myself free. I take a good look at the knife. I still couldn't believe it , feel like I am dreaming .I went to the room. It was so quiet. I look around then I saw a red door. I'm guessing it mean, danger, I tried to open the door but it was lock when I was about to leave, I heard a noise, I turned back to see the door was open, inside was dark, like no light, I went inside even though I had a bad feeling about it, the door quickly shut right after I step inside which cause me to jump. The light quickly open, it was red, their was a lot of monsters, a dragon, an anaconda, and more. All of his creature. Which cause me to scream.  all of them was awake. Staring at me. There was no place to hide, is this where I die for real? I questioned myself " this must be another dream."I said to myself . I saw  their eyes open which got me very scared, I couldn't move, I couldn't run , I just stared at their eyes. Their big red eyes.  I saw a rattle snake come close to me, it was about to bite when I heard "your not supposed to be here." I turned around to see Satan. He quickly disappeared with me, I felt so light headed " you could've die you know that." He said putting me in the bed " you are here to save me, that's why I have you." I said to him while trying to get up as I fall right back in the bed " what's going on?" I asked looking at the ceiling " it is for your own good." He said to me " without my approval?" I asked " what's is wrongggggggg..., I tried to say while my eyes was closing "  all I see is black. There was no noise, it was just peaceful " am I dead? I'm dead aren't I ? I can feel my voice fating " I saw 3 people standing in front of me , I  cannot see their faces but I see them a little Blurry. " you've got this." I heard someone said as a female voice " your going to be free?" I heard as a male
"Come to me." I heard someone else say . Come to me." Come to me ." I heard the female say." No, come to me, I will set you free." I heard the other voice say.  I started walking to him, to the voice. I can feel the tears falling down my cheeks. I felt his hand touch me and the place just turned bright. I turned around to see I was outside of my house. " impossible." I whisper to myself
I quickly went inside, everything looks normal. I saw the pictures of my mom which got me in tears. I quickly went inside to jump on the bed. Just staring at the ceiling, the beautiful pink. I could see everything that was happening " who are you?" I heard the echo. I saw when those killers murder me. When I burn in my chairs. I can feel the pain again as she scream. I felt the tears in her eyes. She was me, that was firegirl. I also saw the part where I choose satan. I think they are reminding me I have no choice. I look at the places where he spin me around after I chose  him. There was no place, it was just my world that I left. I saw when he turn me around savannah vanish, and your probably wondering about Ryder. He disappeared. I felt the tears in my eyes as they burn . Who am I? What is it they are trying to tell me? I gasp as I see the door open " who are you?" I asked her as she scream " calm down." I said to her as she fainted " ohh great,  people in my house and I don't know what to do." I said to myself.  I quickly get a towel from the  kitchen and we it a some and drop it to her face as she wake up " your not real?" She said to me " I'm..." I was trying to say as she quickly run outside  I sight then I went to the shower. I open it but the water turn into blood . I saw when satan make me attack Ivan, my savior. I saw when I turn into firegirl . I saw when I was chase by criminals. I saw , I saw , I saw the grim reaper. I saw him take the shape of Ryder, he was cold, he was evil and I was bind to him. On the other side, I saw satan, who was truly my protector, but I do not need him anymore. I am my savior, I can protect myself." I thought to myself then I hear the voice " can you?" I hear the familiar voice " mom?" I said as my voice cracked " I saw she's smile at me.
I tried to hug her but I couldn't " I'm not real," she said " I know, I just wanted a hug." I said as she come hug me " are you sure your ready to let him go?" She asked as I shook my head, " I want an answer Samantha."  This women who portray herself as my mother was so tough. " yes!" I said to her as she asked "why." I am firegirl. I do not need someone to protect me. I need to protect my love ones." I said to her as she asked " who?" She asked as I stay quiet " look around you, your mom is dead, your dad is did not want you, you have no friends, and Ryder? Oh He is the grim reaper , wake up Samantha.  She said as tears full down my cheeks
"Who are you going to protect?" She asked as tears continue falling down my cheeks " who are you going to protect Samantha?"She asked " Samantha Valdez, who are you going to protect?" She asked one more time " myself." I said kind of yelling " I do not want this life, I want my previous life. Normal life. I want where  I had to go to clubs. Have fun, without worrying about anything. I want to go back to school, continue be a doctor, saving lives." I said to her " are you sure that's what you want?" She asked " with all my life." I said to her " I can help you." She said as a knife appear in her hand " not again. I said to her. " stab your self," she said as I was confused" if that's what you desire the most, stab yourself, then you shall have it." She said as I take the knife out of her hand. "Samantha, if this is interrupted by anything, you will suffer deeply." She said as
I close my eyes, " this is what I want." I said as I saw the light. I gasps as I saw satan in front of me " are you ok?" He asked
I take a good look at him " I want to be free." I said stabbing myself with the knife.

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