- chapter - ten -

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unedited and written at a questionable time of night so might not be cohesive but hey, it's an update xx 


"Okay, rumors say that a certain person is going to be sleeping over my house tonight," Blythe told me with a grin as she placed her tray of food onto the table. 

My conversation with Lyra stopped immediately, but we shared a brief glance as if silently acknowledging we'd talk later. It was nice to know that I was less alone with her now in on my ability. While I still talked with Eamon, it was a reminder that I didn't have to rely on him thus meaning that maybe I could slowly ease out of talking to him so much. 

Only a few weeks previous I hated him, and it unnerved me I now thought of him as someone to rely on. I didn't want to get too attached to any sort of friendship with him, especially with the option to now discuss problems with Lyra, who definitely would have more of an opinion anyways. 

"Really?" I joked. "Now who told you that?" We laughed together and started to talk about our plans for the night. Apparently her parents had let her go out and fully stack up on snacks, and random games for us to play.

"We have to play pictionary," she told me. "It's some human game that Aunt Sophie taught us how to play, and I have to give in and admit that it can be very fun. It's kind of frustrating, but you're good at drawing so it should be fine." 

"Good at drawing you say?" I jumped in shock as Eamon took a seat beside me. I looked at him with confusion, but he looked towards Blythe. 

Her mouth gaped open, looking at him with bewilderment. Lyra decided to pipe in, telling him, "Yeah. Nova is an amazing artist. She could probably rival your dad, if we're being honest." 

"What are you doing over here?" Blythe asked the question I had been thinking. 

"Well, I don't have lunch detention and I thought I could celebrate that fact with the only people I know that don't have lunch detention either," he explained, taking a bite out of the food on his tray. "All my friends decided to get lunch detention the one day I wouldn't have it. Bummer." 

I narrowed my eyes at him, but didn't question it. "However will you survive?" I instead made the sarcastic reply. 

He grinned at my comment, joking, "Well maybe with your help I'll make it." 

I rolled my eyes, looking down to hide my blush. While frustrated that he was sitting here with me and my friends, full well knowing that I didn't want to become public about any friendship with him due to the fact I would have no explanation for how it started other than telling everyone about my abilities, I also found myself somewhat content. He had become a rather good and close friend ever since I manifested. 

I looked back up to see my best friend's eyes glaring at the minimal space between him and I, so took the initiative to add more space between us. I was still confused, usually when the rest of his crowd was in detention he would simply do something to get him thrown in there or he had other tables he would sit with. I didn't realize we had become one of those tables. 

"Do you guys normally only have just the three of you?" He asked, trying to start a conversation. He directed the question to Blythe, who answered promptly. 

"We like it when it's just the three of us," she stated, her voice filled with malice. "What is your plan, here, Foster? What are you up to? I know you're not just a sad neighbor with nowhere to sit." 

"Well, I wouldn't have sat if I'd known I would get such a warm, welcoming meeting. I much prefer to be heckled at when peacefully sitting with my cousin and her two friends to eat my food." 

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