Vet vs wolf

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When I wake up I feel we have stopped but I can still feel the vibration of the engine. I sit up smusing one foot and tilt my head to the side senting something strange. I hear another voice that I dont recognize. "would you like a treat for your puppy?" it asks. I tilt my head in the other direction "sure." someone in the truck sayd and I sent this so called treat. I snif the air and tilt my head and look around with my sightless blue eyes. "I think shes blind." the person holding me says. I feel something brush against my nose and lick it. I bite it and hold it in my mouth for a second before eating it. "shes cute what kind of dog is she?" the strange human asks. I let out a long howl and she chuckles. "A wolf. We just picked her up she was stuck in a trap and we believe she's blind" the one holding me says "youd think she was a pet." the other one laughs and i bend down and clamp my jaws shut on him although not exactly shure where. I hear them laugh. "definitely not a pet." he corrects himself and I wag my bushy tail at him. We soon stop and im picked up and brought inside somewhere. I hear other dogs barking and I growl before letting out a low howl I hear a few conversations stop and eyes lock onto me I growl softly and trace the room with my sightless gase I hear a few aw's as we pass before a door clicks shut and its all silanced I get placed on my feet and I bounce around using my nose as a guide. I go to bounce again when my feet leave the floor and im placed on a cold serface. I feel my paw being looked at and prodded. He finds a spot that hurts and I bite him locking my jaw. He frees his hand carefully and nods to himself. He eventually turns and pulls down a small bottle she needs one of these and three of these to reverse the infection in her eyes about 30 days later you have got yourself a police dog." he says "ill also give you this, its so you or whoever handles her can keep her. You may also want this." I tilt my head confused and sit down. I feel something slip around my neack and then a slight tug on it. I go bounding away hopping like a frightened deer. I feel my feet leave the ground again and then we go back the the soft rocking of the thing I learned was a car. In a very short time frame we have stopped and im being picked up again I hear a door creak open and a few giggles comming twords me along with the patter of feet "alright girls you can look but dont touch her if she doesn't approach you okay she cant see you and you dont want her to bite you." "okay daddy." two voices echo. "why dont you two make her a bed in your room if she goes in there." he suggests and I listen to feet patter away.  I hear a door shut and the human "honey, im sorry but I brought work home with me tonight." he shouts. I hear a pair of footsteps comming twards me. I let out a long howl closing my large blue eyes. I hear a gasp and then the footsteps continue a hand gently pats my fur and I make a purring noise. Im set down an I sent the air going up a flight of steps I hear some giggleing and find a crack in the wall which I squeeze myself through making it creak and the giggling to increase I walk across something soft and turn back and grab it in my mouth. I bring it to a small pile of other soft things and laydown on it quickly falling asleep.

courageous (book one of the police dog series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora