Back to work

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A few weeks pass and I am finally allowed to go back to work along with my human! My human comes out and puts my vest on now covering my shoulders and back. He doesn't bother with the leash knowing ill follow. We make our way down to the car and he tells me to 'load up'. I bark at him snapping my jaws but get in any ways. We drive around before he parks the car and lets me out. He gives me a simple command to come. We wander around before we go to a playground there is a bunch of small humans running around. My human grins spotting a piece of equipment  that looks like something we use in training. He sends me up one side and down the other a few kids laugh and we do it again. He starts letting small humans try to get me to go over it very subtlety giving me the command. When all the kids have gone through they are able to pet me quickly before my human and I have to leave to continue our walk. He waves to the children before turning and walking away I walk with him staying close to his side. I pick up the scent of gunpowder and growl in warning. I hear a female human crying and take off in that direction. My human trails after me drawing his gun. I growl making myself hidden and stalking around the human as if I was hunting. My human runs into the alleyway and commands the human to raise their hands or that they will get bit. I let out a howl and foam falls from my fangs as I reach my human. The other human points a gun at his hostage and says that he wants me gone. My human gives me a simple command to disappear and I do but still watch. My human glares at the other human his weapon still pointed at them. The other human lets their hostage go and points the gun at my human. This ticks me off and I start creeping up behind them. Without command I jump latching on to their arm and shaking my head viciously. I hear  a loud bang and feel a pain in my back. I hear my human cry out and I grip my jaws tighter not yet feeling the pain. Only the anger. I keep my jaws latched and drop the human to the ground snapping my jaws around their neck and holding on. I don't kill the human only draw blood. I hear my human call for another cruiser and come up to me. He prys my jaws off and I stagger away. "your dogs gonna die." I hear the other human chuckle as I fall to the ground the pain kicking in. My human handcuffs him to a pole and comes over to me. I hear the screaming sirens and roll myself up onto my side. I let out a low growl and narrow my eyes at the human I feel a sharp jab of pain and my growl turns into a whine. The smell of burnt rubber reaches my nose and I hear the other officers take the human. I let out a sigh and stagger to my feet. My human takes off my vest and I see the hole blown through it. My human picks me up and I lay my head on his shoulder.

courageous (book one of the police dog series)Where stories live. Discover now