My human

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The thing we’re on suddenly starts moving and I shift a little my vest pinching me. We get inside a mostly white den and there are suddenly strange humans everywhere. humans start rushing around me and my human and I growl when they try to touch me or my wound. I start to feel panicked and start whining. I bury my nose back into my humans side taking in his sent. My vision blurs again lasting about 30 seconds before focusing again. I close my eyes and listen to the steady heart beat of my human blocking out the loud footsteps of the humans rushing around. I feel my human brush my fur with his hand a few times. “tundra ……” he whispers and I whine before sluggishly lifting my head and looking at him. I drag myself off the thing and drop to the floor my shoulder screaming in protest at the motion. I sit up as tall as I can blood leaking down my leg and watch my human disappear around a bend. As soon as he’s gone I sag laying down on my stomach and laying my head down. The halls are completely empty only a few people milling around tending to the humans in the rooms. A strange human comes up to me and I look up at them my shoulder makes very faint crunching and cracking sounds from the dried blood and my movement. It’s not a human I know. They have on a white coat and a clipboard in hand. I lay my head back down causing my shoulder to scream at the movement. The human goes over to a desk area down the hall a bit before coming back with two more humans. “What are we gonna do with her?” One asks looking at the others. They spot the blood on my shoulder that is slightly dry. There is still a little stream coming from my wound and collecting in a pool below me painting my belly fur and paws crimson. Another few people rush by with another officer who locks eyes with me for a second and whispers to the people around him “t..u..n.dra.”  I just catch it before they round a bend and go out of sight. A few people stop and come back in my direction. I roll over on my side fully showing the hole in my shoulder. I close my eyes as I feel the ground disappear. I let my head and neck roll around as the human runs. I slowly pry my eyes open only to shut them again quickly from a blinding light being shined in my eyes. I let out another faint growl but dont have the energy to do anything more. I feel a prick and soon darkness overtakes me.

courageous (book one of the police dog series)Where stories live. Discover now