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The trees fly past in almost a blur my bright blue eyes completely focused. The ground in front of me is bathed in blood. The shots have continued and I spot someone in in dark cameo blending almost seamlessly into the trees. My vest had come off in my run over and now I look completely wild. I begin to growl foam flying out of my mouth. I watch the persons eyes light up in fear and they slowly begin backing away. Every step they take back I make sure to take two forward. Then they turn and run. I let out a long low hunting howl my song being joined by four human voices. I cut of my song as the brush shakes violently. A dark black wolf stands in front of me scars littering his face and shoulders. He's only a touch bigger then myself. I yip at him and break into the brush after the human. I can sense him at my heals speeding up to try and pass me. I let out a sharp bark and show a fang picking up speed myself. A silver and white female has joined along with a coppery male. I let out an excited yip as the human comes into view. They had stopped to rest a moment and their eyes light up again in fear when they see me and the others. The most recent addition a cream almost white female circles around trapping the human. My instincts take over and I jump grabbing the humans shoulder and bringing them to the ground. My ears pick up multiple yells and shouts so I rip out the humans throat dropping it on their chest. With my jaws covered in blood I turn back towards the others. My eyes lock with another human standing at the edge of the clearing eyebrows raised. They have a bright orange vest but otherwise wear all cameo. There's a loud whistle and both me and the human look my tail wagging. My human emerges from the brush his cameo suit torn in a few places and his name tag almost ripped off. He hardly glances at the other wolves as he watches me bound into his arms my tail wagging furiously. The others approach cautiously their ears back and tail tucked in a submissive show. The human in orange clears their throat eyebrows still raised. My humans attention is snapped to them.
"oh... My apologies sir.... Gunary Sargent Ben Carson," My human introduces himself, "and K-9 Tundra."
I wag my tail at the mention of my name the wolves around relaxing a bit the large black male coming to sniff my human. I turn sharply my lips curled up in a warning surprising even my human. The large male whines wagging the tip of his tail and bares his neck to me. The human in orange lets out a few short huffs in amusement.
"Commander John Austin," the human stretches out a hand and shakes that of my humans.
The rest of my humans team comes from the brush the wolves around all growling their fur standing up to protect both me and my human out of pure instinct. I bark sharply at them snapping at the hindquarters of the cream colored female when she begins to stalk towards them. She yelps and rolls over on her back tail between her legs and neck showing. The rest back off going to lie in the shade of a large pine. My human takes my harness and straps it back on careful to avoid pulling my fur.
"I call the rangers and see what I can do about getting y'all out of here." The commander muses with a still raised brow.
My human shrugs and earns a few chuffs of amusement. The commander picks a phone from his vest pouch and after tapping the screen a faint ringing is heard. I hear a relieved sigh and a few cheerful hollers on the other end and the line goes dead.
"They'll meet us up at the trail head. Ill show you the way from here," the commander states and begins striding away. My human follows me trotting along as a barrier between them. The pack I've acquired trotting along after him.
When we reach the trail head there are four people in forest green outfits with strange four wheeled bikes waiting for us. The rangers look at me and the pack questioningly. I quickly recognize the chief who glances at me with a slight grin. I sit on the edge of the road near the woods watching the rangers interact with my human. The others sit down next to me the black male and silvery female on my left with the copper male and cream female on my right. I turn my attention to see my human nod and give me the command 'follow' he gets on the bike behind one of the rangers and they buzz off. I quickly follow not paying attention to the others. Once I catch up I race along side them easily. The ranger glances at me and speeds up. I pick up the pace soon leaving the others behind. The trees are blurred as I weave around them keeping pace with the bike. They go a bit faster and I pick up my pace again. They slow down as the trees thin out. The pack slowly catches up and I wag my tail at them. There's a truck next to the road and a few of my humans work people. The human he calls his partner comes over patting my head a few times. I sit tilting my head wondering where his k-9 is. I spot the older German Shepard and wag my tail bounding over to him happily. The black male follows me curiously sniffing the dog. He wags his tail and rolls on his back when the older shepard snaps at him. Satisfied I trot back over to my human. The black male curiously sniffs his partner. I watch him intensely and he bites his sleeve and pulls on it almost making the human fall. The human looks at me with a half grin and I jump over to the black male nipping at his hind end. He lets the human go and offers me a play bow. I throw myself at him nipping at his legs. I start growling unknowingly and yip at him my tail wagging furiously. He backs off a bit and I offer a play bow jumping at him again. He runs around the humans weaving between them. The chief watches us with a half grin. I yip at the black male and bound over to the chief with a play bow. I wag my tail and watch him. When he moves a bit I take off running around them the black male following. I finally stop laying down at my humans feet happily the others laying down around the humans. The black male lays flat out on his side with a yawn. I watch the back of the truck be opened. My human walks over and looks at me.
I get up and trot over jumping up. The black male follows me closely. The others take a few moments but are soon laying down in the truck. We're then off, down the road towards home.


Long chapter...Your welcome. I learned that my youngest kitty smiles when he sleeps...
Word count was 1234 words which made me happy...
Anyways... As always

Cheers -bri

courageous (book one of the police dog series)Where stories live. Discover now