Chapter Five - Past Self

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Dear my Year 7 student self,

 I'm writing from 5 years in the future, if this letter doesn't reach you then that's why I'm writing to you now.

Right, so I'm assuming it's September and you've only started at the wonderful place they call high school. Here are a few head ups for the next few years:

1.       Don't slap people when you get annoyed with them. You may think this will make you feel better and solve the situation, but it really doesn't. So much that you'll get a purple cheek for it, literately.

 2.       Think before you speak because if you say idiotic hurtful things without meaning to offend,  it offends people. Trust me.

3.       'To meet' in slang terms means to go out with someone, so don't say 'Oh yes I've met (insert name)' because this will cause rumours and a loud more crap for you until you leave.

4.       Don't try flirting with your crush by winding him up and stealing his stationary, it won't make him like you anymore, in fact he will hate you for that.

 5.       Ignore idiots, you become good at this as the year progresses, but focus on your friends and people who are actually nice to you.

6.       Don't hang out with people who you aren't close to anymore, don't end your relationship with a row on MSN, using swearwords you've never even said out loud before.

7.       If you fancy someone, don't stare at them endlessly from across the room, this will only creep them out, not be attracted to you.

8.       Don't stoop to anybody else's level, yes the first three years are pointless but might as well gain some knowledge from going to school. Also if you don't like anybody in the class then you might as well work to occupy your time. Even if they do call you a geek for working hard, you're the one who is going to go far in life unlike them future single mums and homeless gangsters.

 I know what I (you) maybe thinking, 'oh no I don't want to go big school I'll be bullied and my crushes will think I'm a freak-' yes I hated high school, I mean I moved schools because this so called lovely new learning centre made me hate it even more, which I didn't know could be possible.

However, it's not all bad, yes you will have some below average teachers and you will begin to feel ridiculously tired in your last two years due to a disease you never even heard of until you realise you had it. But you will have some good times, meet some wonderful boys and girls, mainly girls sadly. You'll have friends who will come and go, some will be stay and may end up being your friends for life, I wouldn't know if this is true quite yet, but so far things are good.

Also you will end up in some awkward situations and some bad experiences, but you have to grow strong from this, turn those bad days into something good, something that will make you a better person and make you thank those bad memories since it helped you become the person you are now, well me (you in 6 years time).

 I know you had an version of what my teenage self would be like, since as you seen those 'big kids' in the years above or whenever you were out and about, also television. You probably imagined a hip, stylus popular girl who would instantly be the opposite of what you were now, no offense. Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not.

 I do try my best to be what others call trendy but I given up a while ago, since can't afford the latest designer outfits and what people call fashion these days isn't exactly my taste, such as crop tops, yes they're back in, remember TV shows from the 90s wore stuff like that!

Right I got my own fashion going on since I can wear my own clothes to college, I know you're probably surprised, well relieved. Also you may think differently, but the quantity of friends doesn't actually mean anything. You'll know this when you move schools, I know what you mean be thinking 'Ah I don't want to move, my friends –' No really you'll thank yourself later.

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