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Book Awards 2019 co-host

Hello dears, this is one of your hosts for this year's awards. You can call me Haven. I'm a wattpad author and graphic editor too ^^

I have only been in wattpad for a year now but I've earned a lot of experience that enhanced my writing here and I've found a lovable community of armys and friends and I am grateful for that. I've read many books here but I actually think my favorite genre would be angst mostly and thriller.

I like writing angst a lot too and that is really clear in my books Broken Keys and Heal Me XD But I tend to end every book of mine with a happy ending maybe to just show that however tough things might get, there is always a chance for everything to get better.

One thing I've learned for sure too is that you should only write because you love it. The more you write with love and passion the more it gets better. And never stop reading too because it always helps to enhance your writing and vocabulary more.

Well, I hope that helped in any way and I hope you all enjoy this year's awards. Good luck to you all!

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