2020 - bblues-

129 9 2

Bangtan Writers Awards 2019 Winner
Bangtan Writers Judge 2020


Hi! I'm Chloe — I've been knocking around on Wattpad for almost two years now. Although it comes with its problems, the same as everything does, I can't even begin to express how much this site has done for me! I've met some amazing friends and grown tenfold as a person. I've learned so so much here! ❤️ 

My stories are usually angst-based. I don't have a particular reason for this, but I think it's just something to do with the fact that emotions are so wide, deep and interesting to explore. There's also some romantic and mythical sprinklings tossed into my stories. I'm utterly in love with all things fantasy! I'd like to branch out and try as many genres as I can in the future.

All of my stories are incredibly important to me, as writers, we pour our hearts and souls into our work, and it's hard to just pluck out a piece of that, lol. But if I had to choose, I would say Martyrs. It is INCREDIBLY special to me, and all the characters have such a special place in my heart. I worked incredibly hard on sending out a positive message, as I do with all my stories. If I can make even one person's day change for the better with my writing, even just the slightest bit, then I'm doing my job. ❤️ 

Facts about me — Well, I'm an aspiring performer; a singer, dancer and actress who is hoping to make it big one day. BTS are such an inspiration to me: to believe in myself, work hard, stay humble, and never ever lose my passion. I'm so grateful I found them. ❤️ 

And to any aspiring writers out there - Keep Going! That's probably the best advice I can give you. Even when you feel like giving you and nothing is coming together, I PROMISE you it will. You got this idea for a REASON. There is SOMEONE out there who needs to hear your story! Don't let anyone or anything ever stop you from telling it. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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