6. Venenum

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For the second time in two weeks, Greta yet again discovered herself in a haze of toxic emerald, invading ruby slithers and pools of sapphire, trapped by the parasitic music.

Only two singularities could differ themselves from Goobin's party. Instead of being suffocated in the crimson satin, she found her body draped in a long-sleeved layer of a deep shimmering grey dress. In addition to her new attire, she found Jungkook no longer straying from her side, now guiding her through the crowd.

As the scene of hormonal angst and drama unraveled around her, Jungkook trailed her lost figure through the herd of youth, eventually finding herself being conjured to the kitchen. Gentle pearl light rained on her as she found her breath returning to its normal melody.

"I'm going to get us some drinks. What do you want?" Jungkook suddenly questioned in her ear, drowning her out of her thoughts.

"Oh umm... just water please... I don't drink." She confessed, entangling her fingers into a mindless mess as she waited for his criticism to strike her down. Everyone did that when she gave them that answer.

"Okay." He said without the addition of any snark remarks or comments, sending her body into disbelief.

As he disappeared into the blurring mist of people to find the bar, she finally started to see the venomous layer of playboy that had lingered around Jungkook's being slowly starting to thaw off of him.

Hauling herself into a somewhat tranquil corner of the kitchen, she started to feel a small smile infect her face as the concept of her and Jungkook was suddenly making her blind to the crimson of Jisu that still lay radiant on her hands.

Just as she thought she could perhaps distinguish what made the dazzling lights of parties so entertaining to the youth of her age, she felt something almost clawing at her skin.

As her head ascended to see what was the creator of this feeling, she soon found herself in the hook of Bora's crystalline eyes, her body evolving toward's Greta's.

"Well, well, well... Greta Amaro, when exactly did you become a party animal?" She said as she bared her teeth, just like a rabid animal. The bird-like chirp she tried to make her voice to be was as faux as the leopard parchment she wore in the form of a cocktail dress.

"I guess people change, Bora." She snapped back, not wanting to be invited into this play of distortion and lies.

Arching her coal-like irises with the company of a forced chortle as she knitted her arms into a fold. "Fine... you want to cut to the chase? What the hell is going on with you and Jungkook?" Bora barked.

A 'nothing' almost slipped out of her lips before she locked them shut, remembering Jungkook's dictated instructions. "N-Why do you care? Are you jealous or something?" She bit back, trying to ascend to the level of aggression Bora planted herself on.

"J-jealous?" She coughed out, words transparently being strangled out of her throat. "No... do you know what I am though? I'm curious. How does someone like Jungkook, with standards, go from someone like me, to someone like you? Are you brainwashing him or something?" She puzzled, her eyes growing into paint-like strokes of raven.

Eyebrows twined together, confusion pulling her face into a puzzled stare.

"Brainwashing? Why the hell would you think that?" She questioned.

"Don't ask as if you don't know." She snapped back, a look of abhorrence occupying her face. "He came up to me in Goobin's, giving me those puppy dog eyes... acting like he always does. Yet... when you popped into the conversation and I just stated a fact about your weight, he got pissed at me and started having a go until he stormed off... obviously you know what happened after that."

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