Chapter 5

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*the next day
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear. Great. At least I have all my classes with Vic and most with Ethan and Grayson. It just sucked that the biggest douche, Jack picks on the us. It's really fucking annoying. Oh well. I decided to wear a tight black shirt with high waisted light wash jeans and my classic vans. I just decided to make a ponytail with my hair that was already straightened.
I then walked to Victoria's room and she was also ready. I grabbed an apple and headed out The for where I was faced with the Dolans.
"Hey guys." I heard Ethan say as he wrapped his arm around Victoria. As she blushed. We all laughed and Grayson put his arm around me.
"Wow I feel left out." Cameron said. So I wrapped my arm around her and Grayson wrapped his arm around Ethan as we all walked in a line in the middle of the street laughing our asses off. When we reached school Cameron went with her friends and the four of us stated walking to our first period when we were stopped. It was a girl with short straight brown hair and piercing blue eyes.
"Ethan what do you think you're doing with her?" The girl asked with a disgusted look as she pointed at Victoria.
"Tiffany get over yourself we broke up. In fact you broke up with me." Ethan said as we continued walking.
"Ethan I still love you." She said sounding desperate.
"Well I never loved you." Ethan said and we walked to the door of Honors Algebra. The day went by slowly until finally Lunch. The four of us walked to the cafeteria and stood in line for lunch. Until I felt a slap on my ass. I turned around to see Jack.
"Yo! What the hell??!!!" I said angrily.
"It was just too tempting. You know you liked it baby girl." Jack said winking. That's when I slapped him as hard as I could. It was so loud the entire cafeteria heard.
"You shouldn't have done that." Jack snarled.
"Why not. Are you gonna beat me up?" I asked sarcastically.
He chuckled.
"No. They are." And that's when I saw Ashley and Tiffany. Ashley went to punch me but I caught her hand and twisted her arm back.
"Who's the bitch now?" I whispered in her ear. Tiffany went after Victoria. Big mistake. Victoria grabbed both Tiffany's arms and twisted them back.
"Let's go to the office, shall we?" I asked Ethan and Grayson they both nodded and we walked to the office with our bitches.
"Hi. What can I help you guys with today?" The front office receptionist asked us.
"Well we have two girls who were trying to fight me and my sister. And they were orchestrated by Jack." I explained.
"So how did this all start?" She asked as she began typing.
"I was slapped on my butt by Jack. So in defense I slapped his face, he didn't like that. So he got these to girls to try and beat me up. But these girls can't fight, so when Ashley swung at me I caught it and when Tiffany swung at Victoria she also caught it." I explained in more depth.
"Are there any witnesses to this story?" She asked while still typing.
"Yeah actually our two friends were there the entire time. So they saw the whole thing." I said in response to her. She then wanted a written statement from Ethan, Grayson, and Victoria. After that we left Tiffany and Ashley in the office to deal with consequences. We started to walk to class when we heard the bell ring. So Ethan and Grayson went to their Spanish class as we went up with Cameron to go to ours.
"Yo. What happened at lunch?" Cameron asked us.
"Jack being a dick, then when I fought back he called his little bitches Tiffany and Ashley." I said still pissed about the situation. "But it's ok. We reported it to the office." I said starting to calm myself down.
"Well. That's eventful. Let's go to class, shall we?" Cameron said as she locked arms with me and Victoria on either side of her. We just giggled in response. The class went by pretty quickly as we said bye to Cameron and met back up with Ethan and Grayson. But they weren't alone. I saw Jack and his 'boys' surrounding Ethan and Grayson as they were on the ground bleeding.
"Yo What the hell?!!" I yelled from across the hallway. They all looked at me and the twins took their opportunity Grayson tackled one of the guys as Ethan got the other and Vic ran to the last guy as I dealt with Jack. I hit him in the face and he fell. I got on top off him and didn't stop punching until I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me off the unconscious Jack.
I turned back and saw Grayson struggling to hold me back. It was all in slow motion. I look at his face, his beautiful face. Hazel eyes with a hint of a glowing green I could look at all day, his jawline sharp enough to cut a hoe, his plump pink lips I wish I could kiss all day. But I can't. He doesn't like me. And he never will. I was snapped out of the slow motion as I stared to stand up.
"Rose. What the fuck was that! You could have killed him." Grayson yelled at me. I got out of his grip and started into his eyes.
"He was hurting you." Was all I could muster our. Before I smashed my lips onto his. At first he was tense. But then he grabbed my cheeks, deepening the kiss. Maybe he does like me after all.

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