Chapter 9

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The four of us spent the next 2 hours training until we were interrupted by the front door opening.
"Boys and Girls we're home!" I heard Mrs. Dolan announce. Cameron walked into the basement followed by her parents.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Dolan." Me and Vic said at the same time.
"Twins." Mr. Dolan chuckled.
"So I'm assuming your training, because you know that you're supernatural." Mrs. Dolan said. Me and Victoria nodded.
"Well let me call over your parents, we need to celebrate! Two new werewolves is a big deal!" Mrs. Dolan said excitedly.
"Actually mom. Rosalina and Victoria are hybrids." Grayson said. Mr. and Mrs. Dolan both looked shocked. Cameron looked excited.
"Both of them?" Mr. Dolan asked.
"Yeah both of them." Ethan answered.
"This is unheard of, together the four of you could be the strongest group in the world." Mrs. Dolan said still amazed.
"Can they shift into vampires yet?" Mr. Dolan asked.
"We don't actually know earlier when they looked at us they're eyes started to glow and they transformed into wolves." Grayson explained.
"Oh my god. It's perfect they're mates too." Mrs. Dolan said tearing up. "What color wolves?" Cameron budded up.
"I'm a pure white wolf with gold eyes." I said.
"And I'm a light grey wolf with bright red eyes." Vic said.
"Oh my god. They fulfill the prophecy." Cameron gasped.
"What prophecy?" Victoria asked.
"We need to call your mom. She knows all about this." Mrs. Dolan said pulling out her phone and walking back upstairs. A couple minutes later she showed up with my mom and dad. My mom ran up to me and my dad ran up to Victoria.
"Can you transform for me Rose?" My mom asked me.
"Ok I can try." I looked at Grayson and I closed my eyes. I thought about what my wolf looks like and I felt myself on four paws. I looked down and saw my mom in pure shock. Victoria also closed her eyes and turned into her wolf. I looked over and Ethan and Grayson and they also transformed into their wolves. Grayson came up to me and sat next to me while Ethan went and sat next to Victoria. That's when I realized the four of us as wolves are 6 feet tall.
"Oh. My. God. T-The prophecy. It's true." My dad said. I titled my head in confusion.
"The prophecy states that there will be two werewolves and two hybrids. One werewolf will be pure black and have green eyes." She said gesturing towards Grayson. "The other werewolf will be dark grey and have orange eyes." She said gesturing towards Ethan. "The two hybrids will be their mates. One pure white wolf with gold eyes. And one light grey wolf with red eyes." My mom finished saying and looked at all of us together. "And together they will bring a new era. A stronger, faster, and better era." My mom said.
"Oh my god. What does that mean for them?" Cameron asked.
"Well that means that when they're old enough. And mature enough and they mate. That their children will not be werewolves or vampires. They'll be more evolved in a sense." My mom explains. Everyone looked shocked.
"Well if you guys can transform into you wolves. I guess that means I'll help you guys with your vampire side." My mom said excitedly showing her fangs. Me and Victoria just looked at each other completely shocked.
"All right lets get home so you can transform back and put on clothes." My dad said. I looked at Grayson and licked the side of his face. He wagged his tail in response and me and Victoria walked next door to our house with our parents.

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