Chapter 13

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At the door stood Tiffany and Ashley.
"What do you want??!!" Ethan angrily yelled.
"Oh whatever. We came here to tell you that your girlfriends are cheating on you. Both of you." Tiffany said.
"What the fuck. You really came to my house to spread lies about my friends like that??!!" Cameron yelled as she walked into the living room.
"Really? Don't believe us. We have proof." Just then Nick walked into the room.
"Babe!" Nick yelled and came running towards me.
"Get away form me Nick! Go to Dani. You obviously like her!" I yelled as I pushed nick away form me.
"Who the fuck are you?" Grayson asked Nick.
"Rosalina's boyfriend. Now who are you?" Nick said.
"Nick you are not my boyfriend. You didn't even like me. Grayson he was my ex crush. But before I moved here I saw him making out with my ex best friend. He led me on for years, just so I would give him the answers for the homework or the test answers." I explained to Grayson.
"Rose. Baby why are you lying?" Nick said trying to hold my hand.
"Get out of my house!" Grayson yelled at Nick.
"Only if Rosalina comes with me." Nick said.
"I will NEVER go anywhere with you. Leave me, my boyfriend and my family THE FUCK ALONE!" I yelled at Nick.
"Wow the nerd finally got a voice." When Nick said that I punched him in the nose. Probably breaking it.
"LEAVE." I yelled. And him, Tiffany, and Ashley all left. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt Grayson wiping my tears.
"I can't believe you actually used to like that asshole." Grayson said scoffing. I giggled.
"My type has definitely improved." I said smiling at Grayson.
"I'm just confused why he was with Tiffany and Ashley." Ethan said.
"Well earlier when me, Rose, and Cam were walking to Spanish they were talking shit because we're your mates. They were saying how it would suck if something happened to us. And that we should watch our backs." Victoria explains.
"Those bitches." Grayson said angrily. Just then the door opened again. But this time it was Mr. and Mrs. Dolan with my parents.
"Hello sons and daughter. And future daughters." Mrs. Dolan said winking at me and Vic. I started to blush.
"Isn't she just so adorable when she blushes." Grayson says making me blush harder. Everyone started to laugh.
"What are we doing for dinner?" Victoria asked.
"Whatever you kids decide on." My dad responded. Us kids huddled up.
"Ok. So I was think that we could get Canes." I said in our circle.
"I'm down." Gray said.
"That sounds good right now." Vic said. Cam and E both nodded. We broke the circle and faced the adults.
"We have come to a mutual understanding that we all want Raising Canes." I said sounding professional.
"Wow, that grammar Ms. Torres." Mr. Dolan said as he chuckled.
"Well your representative sounding extremely professional has persuaded us to agree. And now we also would like Raising Canes." My dad said seriously.
"Let's goo!" Gray said lifting me up.
"It actually worked. I'm impressed." Ethan said high fiving me.
"But you guys need to change clothes." My mom added. We nodded and headed upstairs. We all changed into the clothes we were wearing at school. We went to Canes in two different cars. The Dolan in one and the Torres' in my mom's charger. We arrived at Canes and the teens sat in one booth and the adults sat in another one. I sat in between Grayson and Cameron. While Victoria and Ethan sat in front of us. We all ate and went home. When we got home the teens all came up to my room so we could all do our homework together.
"What did you get for number 12?" I asked.
"I got 18.5." Vic said.
"I got 19." E said.
"I got Abraham Lincoln. For some reason." Grayson said. (A/N I love that vine. rip.) We all laughed and continued to do our homework. When we finished the Dolans went home. I took a shower and put on my pjs. I then went to bed.

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