3-why we cant have nice things

153 7 0

Mathematics-Holt- i have been informed of some important news and i dont no what 2 do with it

Sharpshooterninja- tea??

Mathematics-Holt- my mom is the only one in my family who hasn't been declared legally dead at least once.

Inlovingmemoryofrover- and ur the only one who hasn't committed high treason



HunkyHunk- anyone wanna do something I'm bored

Sharpshooterninja- truth or dare go

HunkyHunk- truth go

Sharpshooterninja- scariest thing that happened in space go

HunkyHunk- when the food goo attacked pidge and I go

KKogayne- ??? When did this happen???

Inlovingmemoryofrover- when king alfor almost yeeted the castle into a star about to go supernova.

KKogayne- right

HunkyHunk- allura truth or dare go

Princess- dare
Princess- go???

HunkyHunk- gimme a minute
HunkyHunk- i dare you to ask iverson if they always strap people to tables when they return from a trip.

Princess- give me a minute.
Princess- it is done

VERONICA- u ask someone now

Princess- Keith truth or dare, go.

KKogayne- dare

Princess- eat coran's cooking

KKogayne- oh shit i trusted you
KKogayne- ill do it but he's busy rn
KKogayne- pidge truth or dare go

inlovingmemoryofrover- truth i ain't a coward

KKogayne- how much blackmail do you have on the paladins+shiro

Inlovingmemoryofrover- MUCH

gryffindor- oof rip

RyanAids- hey James

gryffindor- hi ryan

Inlovingmemoryofrover- matt truth or dare go

Mathematics-Holt- truth go

Inlovingmemoryofrover- why tf did you fake ur death go

Mathematics-Holt- uuuuuuuuhhhhh
Mathematics-Holt- long story short if you're gonna piss of aliens that could kill you make sure you do it in a war zone

Takashit Shitogayne- I'm confused. When did this happen?

Inlovingmemoryofrover- Dw abt it none of y'all were there.

Mathematics-Holt- Shiro truth or dare go

Takashit Shitogayne- truth go

Mathematics-Holt- when is ur bday

Takashit Shitogayne- MATTHEW SAMUEL HOLT
Takashit Shitogayne-i will end u
Takashit Shitogayne- they won't find the body
Takashit Shitogayne- fuck u

KKogayne- I think we slipped into an alternate reality again


Sharpshooterninja- space is wack man

HunkyHunk- valid

Takashit Shitogayne- MATTHEW U BITCH

inlovingmemoryofrover- and the dadsona is gone


Mathematics-Holt- sorry asshole karmas a bitch.

Takashit Shitogayne- one time matthew!!!!!

Mathematics-Holt - thrice i have all of them documented and I wont hesitate, bitch

Takashit Shitogayne- fuck

NaDIEah- im lost what the fuck did i miss

Leaf-dotter- a shit ton

Mathematics-Holt- ill do it for u coward

Takashit Shitogayne- hang on. I need to mentally prepare myself.
Takashit Shitogayne- My birthday is February 29th.

Inlovingmemoryofrover- holy shit
Inlovingmemoryofrover- guys shiro is fucking six

Takashit Shitogayne changed their name to AnActualChild

AnActualChild- wow Matthew low blow never trust a Holt this has been a psa.

AnActualChild removed themselves from the chat

Inlovingmemoryofrover- this is why we can't have nice things.

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