8- road work ahead?

89 3 0

Mathematics-Holt—> 'Voltron, MFE Pilots, and matt'

Mathematics- Holt- road work ahead??

Loverboylance- uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

All that jazz- uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

gryffindor- uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

VERONICA- uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

leaf-dotter- uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

NahDIEah-uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

RyanAids- uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

RomCom- uhhh yeah I sure hope it does

Takashi Shirogane- Wait, Romelle how do you know that?

RomCom- I have been hanging out with Hunk and then Lance bc he's always there too.

Loverboylance- wow okay


Hahaha hi

Sorry this is really short but I'm running out of ideas and I wanted to get this published.

Vines tho right?

If y'all have any ideas you'd like me to write don't hesitate to tell me and thanks to everyone who's gotten this far.

Feedback is always appreciated <3

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