12-Keith's hermit shack

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Nessie—>Keith's hermit shack

Nessie added Nadia Rizavi to Keith's hermit shack!

Nadia Rizavi- Hello?

Nessie- welcome to the unofficial official secret conspiracy club of the atlas your official founders are Pidge and Keith aka Nessie and mothman

Mothman- we've been doing some thinking and even though Medusa isn't technically a cryptid, we believe you will fit in here.

Nessie- also we need new members

Mothman- yeah

Nadia Rizavi- what reality is this???

Mothman- we had more members but Nessie removed Bigfoot (Matt) for being problematic

Nessie- to be an official member of Keith's hermit shack, the unofficial official secret conspiracy club of the atlas you need to be officially sworn to secrecy and and change your name to a cryptid.

Nadia Rizavi- how am I sworn to secrecy?

Nessie- just say you'll keep it a secret lol

Mothman- but know we both know where you sleep and if we didn't Nessie could find you anywhere

Nessie- Yeah

Nadia Rizavi changed their name to 'medusa'

Medusa- I won't tell anyone partly bc I'm scared of you guys and partly bc I'm intrigued.

Nessie- perfect

Mothman- good idea

Medusa- so what do you guys do here?

Nessie- mostly just yell about cryptids honestly

Mothman- that's pretty much it.

Medusa- cool.

Mothman- it's really just pidge ranting about how she saw Bigfoot but no one believes her

Nessie- I saw him. Matt was there but he won't validate my claims bc he's jealous.

Medusa- nice. im pretty sure I saw a yeti in Canada once.

Mothman-yetis cool

Mathematics-Holt —> 'Voltron, MFE Pilots, and matt'

Mathematics-Holt added Shiro to the chat!

Mathematics-Holt- hi. I'm matt. I'm a Radar technician.
Mathematics-Holt- you guys like working here?

Shiro- you know work is work.

- happy Valentine's Day-
The next chapter will be a Valentine's Day one so that cool.

Also I can't stop thinking about the opportunity rover.

Btw the last part with Matt and shiro is from an snl skit with Kylo Ren going undercover on star killer base it's really good. If you want to watch it literally just look up matt the radar technician on YouTube and you'll find it.

Btw I am aware Valentine's Day was yesterday I was just lazy.

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day and that is for reading this. All your support is treasured.

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