16- ur moms bad at feelings

75 2 2

Matthew Holt--> Veronica McClain

Matthew Holt- My sister is def str8 for your brother

Veronica McClain- im like 79% sure my brother is str8 for your sister

Matthew Holt- neither of them have any idea do they?

Veronica McClain- prob not my brother is a fcking dumbass

Matthew Holt- and my sister is bad at feelings

Veronica McClain- ur moms bad at feelings

Matthew Holt- no u

Veronica McClain- I fell like we could have an amazing friendship here

Matthew Holt- I agree

Matthew Holt changed their name to 'M'!

M- if pidge sees I'm texting you she'll get suspicious and will find out the truth

Veronica McClain changed their name to 'V'!

V- oof


LAAAAAAAAAnce- wanna blow shit up?

KAAAAAAAAAtie- hell yeah

Shiro —> 'Team Voltron, MFEs, and matt'

Shiro- why did I just hear something blow up?

Lobsterboilance- dw abt it

All that jazz- yeah it's fine no one died.

Shiro- That should not be the criteria!!!

V —> M

V- maybe they'll realize in their own

M- god I wish

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