4- sendick (and) welcome shay

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HunkyHunk —> 'Voltron, MFE Pilots, and matt'

HunkyHunk- can I add shay?

Ryan-Aids- whos shay???

Inlovingmemoryofrover- his girlfriend

HunkyHunk- we talked about this
HunkyHunk- it's not like that
HunkyHunk- I just think shes cool

Sharpshooterninja- whipped

VERONICA- you'd know

Inlovingmemoryofrover- tea???


Princess- we should add shay. Shes lovely
Princess- and perfect for you, Hunk.

Mathematics-Holt- lol

HunkyHunk- you want to save one (1) Balmera and suddenly you have a girlfriend.

Mathematics-Holt- it just be like that sometimes.

Sharpshooterninja- you no i had to do it to em

Mathematics-Holt- <3

Sharpshooterninja- <3

Princess- add her

Inlovingmemoryofrover- not her brother tho he's a bitch

VERONICA- tea???

Inlovingmemoryofrover- tea

HunkyHunk- also should someone add Shiro back?? I feel kinda bad

Mathematics-Holt- dw about it he deserves it

Inlovingmemoryofrover- what did he do????

Mathematics-Holt- im not allowed to talk about it

Inlovingmemoryofrover- ill tell mom ur keeping secrets

Mathematics-Holt removed inlovingmemoryofrover from the chat!

Mathematics-Holt- bit c h

Pidge was added to the chat!

Pidge- b l o c k e d and r e p o r t e d

gryffindor- how tf did you get back in

Pidge- I joined that garrison under an assumed identity after breaking in multiple times and /this/ is what y'all are surprised about???

gryffindor- fair fair

Pidge changed their name to 'unrelated to the peanuts'!

Princess- Oh! I remember that!

KKogayne- remember what?

HunkyHunk- ??

Sharpshooterninja- I'm confused

unrelated to the peanuts- yall wouldnt no

Princess changed their name to 'fuk u zarkon'

Fuk u zarkon- lonce has been teaching me earth culture. The curse words are quite fun

Mathematics-Holt- i like the way u think princess

Mathematics-Holt changed their name to 'fuk u senDICK'

Sharpshooterninja- haha nice

Fuk u senDICK- thanks yung un

Sharpshooterninja- hang on imma join

Sharpshooterninja changed their name to 'fuk u nyma'

Fuk u senDICK- ???

Fuk u nyma- it's a long story

KKogayne- no it's not

HunkyHunk- she seduced Lance and stole the blue lion while Beezer and Rolo kept the rest of us distracted. I knew the truth all along but NO ONE would listen to me.

KKogayne- Yeah. That's on us

Unrelated to the peanuts- haha yeah totally our bad.

Fuk u nyma- ANYWAYS
Fuk u nyma- back to hunks girlfriend.

HunkyHunk- for the last time lance. She's not my girlfriend.

Princess- you should add shay.

HunkyHunk- ok. Imma do that

HunkyHunk added Shay to 'Voltron, MFE Pilots, and matt'!

HunkyHunk- welcome shay.

Shay- hello hunk and paladins and mfe Pilots and matt

Mathematics-Holt- evening

HunkyHunk- Hello Shay!

Shay- it's an honor to be included.

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