11-b i t c h

90 3 3

Loverboylance —> 'Voltron, MFE Pilots, and matt'

Loverboylance- veronica


Loverboylance- b i t c h


KKogayne- I was gonna ask but nvm

Loverboylance- she forgot to tell me that it's my moms birthday and now I feel bad

KKogayne- do you not know your moms bday. I know my moms bday and I haven't known her for half my life.

Loverboylance- I'm bad at dates okay

VERONICA- just text her and say happy birthday

Loverboylance- but I didn't get her anything

VERONICA- were in space lance. How tf do you plan to get it to her? Were you just gonna Yeet it in the general direction of earth? And what would you get her on such short notice? Socks? Rocks? Dust? No. I didn't think so. So you can get off my back and start acting like an adult. Bitch. We all know I'm right. Also if you had yeeted it to her there's no way it would have gotten to her in time. It might even burn up it the earths atmosphere or fly into a star or disintegrate somehow. Knowing your luck it would get to earth but be broken by the time it fit there. Broken lance broken. No I'm not being dramatic. I know what you've been through and I need to say good for you but don't go off on m for something that is your fault especially you own mothers birthday.

Loverboylance- wtf

All that jazz- holy shit I think I'm in love.


Hey y'all this isnt much but it was fun to write and I'm running out of ideas like I've said many times haha.

Thanks for reading and feedback is always cherished. <3

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