5- watching planet earth in space

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A/N— this chapter won't be completely in a group chat format. I'm gonna have a part where the characters are just bonding together.

Shirt—>kermit the meme

Shirt- Come collect your brother.

Kermit the meme- why? Where is he?

Shirt- He's in my room. We're watching Planet Earth.

Kermit the meme- if he's crying it's your problem

Shirt- please get him. Also, can you add me back to the group chat with the MFEs and Shay?

Kermit the meme- fine. Hang on

Unrelated to the peanuts—> 'Voltron, MFE Pilots, and matt'

'Unrelated to the peanuts' added 'Takashi Shirogane' to the chat!

Shay- Hello Shiro, Hunk tells me you're not a paladin anymore.

KKogayne- hey loser

Takashi Shirogane- Hello everyone
Takashi Shirogane- Pidge come collect your brother

Fuk u nyma- ???

'fuk u nyma' changed their name to 'Loverboylance'!

Unrelated to the peanuts- he's your problem u new he would cry

Loverboylance- ???

'Takashi Shirogane' changed their name to 'please'!

Please- He wont stop crying about a baby caribou.

Mathematics-Holt- it was a bloodbath

Loverboylance- is anyone else VERY confused!!!

KKogayne- let it happen man. The friendship between Shiro and Matt is wild.

Unrelated to the peanuts- can confirm

Please- We're watching Planet Earth and Matthew won't stop crying.

Mathematics-Holt- it's not my fault you have no soul, Shiro

Loverboylance- oh man. Planet Earth makes Hunk and I cry every time.

Princess- what is Planet Earth?

VERONICA- it's an educational tv show about earth. many people cry bc nothing is sugarcoated.

Mathematics-Holt- 10/10 would recommend

Loverboylance- shiro im omw to ur room to watch it with you. Hunk is with me btw

Please- great. I love that for me

Mathematics-Holt- haha nice. Y'all should come over.

KKogayne- OMW


Pidge waited outside of Shiro's room for Allura and Romelle. who didn't know where everything on the Atlas was.

"Pidge! I'm so excited to learn more about your planet!" Allura said giddily when she found her.

"I'm excited for you to see this too. But the real gold mine is Bill Nye." Pidge smiled.

"Who's Bill Nye?" Romelle asked as Nadia and Kinkade walked up.

"Bill Nye is a man who teaches kids about science through fun experiments." Nadia said.

"It's a tv show." Kinkade nodded.

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