New beginning

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Honesty is a scary thing, when so used to fooling yourself. Thinking you dodge the bullet by working around the truth. Thinking you would hurt someone, when in reality its actually fear that you'll end up hurting yourself.

Honesty is underrated. Used where needed in order to pursue a kingdom of freedom. Lies are a disguise to cover a treasure so deep in you that would make you want to fly. Ego steps in arguing humans cant fly. Another lie that blinds your wanted sight. Understand ego, all he wants is your safety. But when led by it, It messes with your faith and leaves you with uncertainty.

I found a new talent and its making my heart sing. I found a new talent, no shame. Its time for me to be me. As the pain started with dishonesty it needs to end with honesty. Tomorrow I will speak my heart, without any expectations.When your mind is filled with the opinions of others, kill your reputation. My day was filled with 2222 as I dropped out of school. Without any obligations, just me creating timeless celebrations.

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