33. Who am i?

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Who am I without another standing by?

My name is Love,
there were time I used to act tough.
first to laugh when things get rough.
part of my acting tough.
Now without thinking too much,
I like to wander off-
Into my heartspace
following nature,
everywhere we feel a gaze.
I dont feel much comfy in this maze-
our well known matrix.
feeling my homebase
its coming in an shift phase.
a back against the wall case.
nevertheless i wont let my heart race.
because i know i am protected
with the power of will

a helpless mentality
chooses brutality
I just want posibility
to change and create mobility.
All who are willing to hear-
I wont have to compromise my words
my message would be loud and clear.

Vulnerable ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon