32. Ancestral Wounds

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Deep wounds,
My heart is beating.
This feels so intense,
I feel your pain.

uninvited body invading yours,
I feel your fear.
I want you to know in the future now I am here.
I feel your shame
I want you to understand
Its not your blame...

I feel your need for security,
hiding in populairity.
When people see you,
it feels like the attention
of others will be the safety.

Deep wounds,
the final understanding
of all pain i've lived with.

Now I understand my mama,
I understand me and all the drama.
I understand our reactions,
it was a trauma.

But there is more in my back,
my body translates: '
-You are not worthy-
-You are not safe-
-if you express it out loud
you're not brave.-
All these trauma's
those before me took it to their grave.

But I am not the same!
Cure it all & stay in my lane.
Still working on the shame.
But with the power of all my ancestors,
this horror ends now!

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