9. Just a girl

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I kissed a girl out of ego, I kissed a girl out of pride. 
In my mind she was just a girl. At that time she was just for the side. 
Now she has moved on and i am haunted killing the thoughts. 

I kissed a girl out of lust, i ended up killing her trust. 
Now she lives on in ego, she puts me in the dust. 
She wont accept my apology, so i forgave myself. 
Hoping one day she will say: 'f*ck it, I love myself.'

Darling, when you read this. Know you are enough. 
If only i kept my mouth shut, never giving you a simple doubt. 
because before I knew it this story went south. 

Darling, when you read this. Know you are enough. 
My mind was broken, things felt though. 

Darling, when you read this. Know you are enough. 
When I chose to see clearly, it was too late.
You chose wisely and broke our connection off. 

I am not here to tell you romantic stories, 
because that's not how i feel. 
I am here to say sorry, 
hoping I didn't make an impact to how you feel. 

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