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New York City, New York
February 22, 1941

Ever wondered what could be worse than having you're celebratory night out on the city ruined?

Stepping off a steamy hot engined train, all to be smacked in the face by the brother you have spent the last six years communicating through letters by,  toss a bring-you-to-your-knees size of news as if such were something to get excited over... And all you can do once that smile of his ever so brightly shines down for your approval is...congratulate him.

What could be worse than that?

Oh just let me tell you...

Try having to avoid the man who shattered your heart to a million microscopic pieces those same six years ago, staring you down every second that's pass since those heels of yours touched the pavement of said train station. Those brown eyes of his haven't dared to stare at anyone else since they glued on to you..

...god they are more stunning than I remberes them to be.

Though the way his glare burns a hole into my face from across the busy, jiving party room. I can tell my peaceful exile from the real world all around me,  is all but wearing very thin, soon coming to an end...

Danny Walker is starting to make his way through the crowds of dancing nurses and military men. His destination?


A bit too impatiently, I flagged the bartender for another burning shot of whiskey. If I was certain of one thing... It was knowing that tonight wouldn't be and easy dose of reality to swallow and something to numb the realness away sounded rather needed right now, and especially before Danny made it over.

With a skillful slide, the well dressed man from behind the bar granted my wish.

The glass he sent traveling down the bar stopped before me. The ice within slid into place from the motion. Without a blink, I downed it in a second. Not even cringing from the brutal sting as the liquor slid down my throat.

Sitting the empty glass upon the wooden surface, I heard his dress boots stop closely by.

"Long time no talk, right Lt. Walker?" I say, not even glancing over my shoulder. Instead, my eyes remained focused on the pad of my index finger that was circling the rim of the empty shot glass. Doing my very best to seem somewhat casual.

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