Take a hint

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After the photoshoot, which felt like forever to Katsuki, Izuka went back to her dressing room before he could say anything.

"Bakubro, I  know this ain't my place to ask, but mind telling me why she's ignoring you? She have a grudge against ya or somethin?" Kirishima asked.

"Grr, we did know each other back in school, but like I mentioned, she's quirkless. You already know how they are viewed in this age."

"Ah. But why her attitude against you?"

"Tsk, like I'll tell you!" Katsuki said as he followed Izuka to her dressing room. He opened the door to see her in a flimsy robe that barely reached her knees.

"Katsuki. What brings you here?" Izuka asked innocently as she was fixing her hair.

"Don't pretend like you don't know anything! You were ignoring me the entire time I was here!"

"Not entirely. I acknowledged your arrival. Now it's my turn to ask you a question, what brings you here?" Izuka asked as she turned around to Katsuki.

"I heard that you work here, I never thought that you would rise become a model much less a supermodel. I'm here to fulfill a certain promise I made since we were young. I'm here to claim you as my wife." Katsuki said as he pulled Izuka toward him.

She first looked shocked, embarrassed, then she gained an angry face as she pulled herself away from Katsuki.

"Who said I would be your wife?! When did you decide this!" She yelled.

"Don't know, but that doesn't matter. You're quirkless, remember? You need protection. MY protection." Katsuki said as he advanced on her on her door.

"I never asked for your help, besides where were you all these years when I tried to call you back then? Oh wait. You were busy studying to be a hero and aiming for the so-called easy life while I worked my fingers AND body to the Bone to get to where I am now! I'm doing just fine without you, thank you very much!" Izuka retaliated.

"Ha! Like you can take care of-!?" Katsuki said as he reached for Izuka but I didn't anticipate that knew she wouldn't take a hold of his arm, and catapulted him out of her dressing room, and he landed on a meal table covered in food.

Laughter erupted from the models and workers as Katsuki turned to Izuka who was smirking at his state.

"Did I mention I studied karate and kung fu?" She sarcastically asked before closing the door.

"Wow. You picked a feisty one." Kirishima joked.

"Shut. Up."

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