Meeting Again

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It was a few days after the incident with Katsuki. Right now Izuka was getting ready to get home again, but this time she was told to wait for an escort.

"I used to go home by myself. What's with the change?" She asked.

"Well, I learned that you were nearly assulted a few days ago, so the higher ups said you needed to be under supervision in case this happens again." Her manager clarified.

"You know I'm able to take care of myself."

"I know, but that's the bosses orders." Her manager sighed.

Izuka felt like she was having another headache from this. "So who's my escort?"

"Ah, that would be me-Oh, Miss Midoriya! Nice to see you again!

Izuka turned to see that All Might was right behind her.

"All Might, it's been a while. How are you doing?"

"Oh, very well if I may say so! I'll be your escort for today. Since that incident, I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Thank you for your concern. So, shall we get going? And this time, without the jumping in the air."

"Ah, sure sorry about that."

After walking a little bit, Izuka decided to start up a conversation.

"So, how's the life of a superhero treating you? I've been curious about that."

"Well, It does well, but I'm not really at liberty to discuss the complicated parts. But, I'd like to know about you being a model and all."

"Well, my original dream of being a hero kinda dashed when I was found quirkless, but my boss thought I would do great as a model, so I really didn't have anything to lose. Though I have a lot of glamorous stuff going on, it's not all perks. Autographs, photoshoots, multiple fittings, interviews, strict diets, having to wake up early, late shifts, then waking up and do it all over again the next morning." Izuka summerized.

"Ah, I suppose that's true." All Might said as they finally reached the mansion.

"Well, thanks for getting me back home again. Hope to see you again." Izuko said as she walked up to her door.

"Same here." All Might smiled.

Unknowingly to either of them, someone was spying on them with a jealous look on his scowling face.

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