Meeting up again

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Bakugo's mind was in a whirlwind right now.

After getting off his hero duties, he went out to see if Dek-Izuka was home.

He just didn't expect for himself to actually ask Kirishima for some advice on this.

'Well, if I recall from the last encounter with her, maybe don't ask for a date right away. You'll look bad if you try to force it on her too. Also try to lure her in. Pull when you want to push.' Kirishima had advised.

He decided to ask his mother in addition for some advice, and she said to invite her over for dinner as a reunion between their families. Since it had been a long time since they saw each other.

Right now he was in front of Izuka's villa and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He heard her voice.

"It's the pizza man. Who the heck do you think it is?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

The door then opened as he saw Izuku in a light green dress. 

"Yes, Bakugo? What do you want?" She said in a low tone. Although to her surprise, his hands weren't sparking with explosions, and he didn't seem to be making that face he usually wore. 

"Our mom's are arranging a reunion of sort and they wanted me to tell you that they would appreciate it if you would be there." Bakugo said, looking the other way, averting her gaze. although Izuka was quirkless, she wasn't the same person anymore.



"...I'll be there, but I still need an escort."

"*sigh* Might as well be me, sides, I'm being forced to escort you to work anyway that day too." He said with light irritation. 

"O.K. Is it Friday? They usually do it then." Izuka asked.

"Yeah." Bakugo said before leaving. 

Izuka closed the door afterwards, then something popped in her mind.

'Usually he's forceful when he wants to make a point. A little harsh as well. But, this is unnatural, even for him. Is there a reason he's acting like this?'


Here's the next part! Sorry for the long delay. College can be murder after all.

Oh and please look up Violet Kunochi, one of my new fics!

Quirkless Primadona (Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя