July 1 2000

551 14 6

July 1st, 2000

Dear Lisa, 

Hi. How are you? It's been a while. A long while. But trust me, I think about you. Every second of my life. I'm sorry I haven't written you lately. I've been busy with work; I finally got my artwork exhibited into a New York museum. All the great comments about my painting, well... they're amazing, Lisa. I wish you could be here to share the gratitude with me. Maybe when you get back. 

Grace and Tom are doing great. They miss you, but I tell them everyday just when you're going to be back. Hopefully you could meet that deadline - I wouldn't want to disappoint them. Although something worries me... the kids haven't been eating their dinner. I set it out on the table for them, but they just sit there staring at me, and I have to enjoy my own supper in silence! When you were here, each meal was a riot, and the kids were always talking. But now? Nada. 

Your Mom and Dad are doing good, just so you know. They miss you too, but Grace tells them all the time that you won't be gone long. What a sweetheart. We raised her right in our hearts. She looks so much like you it's amazing. Your long brown hair, blue eyes, beautiful smile. You're beautiful, and I just wish I had told you that more often. You're going to be back soon anyways though, right? Like you promised. And then I can tell you how beautiful you are a million times. 

The house is a complete mess. I miss you being a neat freak, in the best possible way. Tom gets mad at me, always saying that when you were here we could actually SEE the floor. Oh, his sense of humor. It reminds me of you. 

Sorry for this letter, I know you probably don't want to talk to me. Or you're busy. I know because every time I see you walk by your new temporary living space, my letters are sitting unread on your table. That's okay, no rush. But when you do finally take time to read them it's going to take a while; I'm planning to write you a lot. 

Sorry to end this letter on such a short note (am I apologizing too much? I know how it bothers you), but Grace and Tom want to go visit their grandma and grandpa. They've been whining to me all morning. I love you, and I'll write to you again soon. 

Lots of love, 

Liam xoxo

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