September 10 2000

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September 10th, 2000

Dear Lisa, 

This is going to be a letter. A real letter., like the ones I wrote in July. No more talk about bad things, the good old days or crap like that. I think maybe, while I can, just talk to you, like you're my fiancee. The wedding's still on, right? You know I never take off my ring. Not that it means anything anymore, but it still stays right there on my finger, shiny, distracting and gold. Where's yours? Are you wearing it right now, or is it still in the car (if it even ever was in there), wherever that is? I bet you know. That car was pretty important to you, you could never stay mad at it. But me? Well, I hated it. It was small, cramped, and the kids never really went in it. It had no sentimental value whatsoever, and now it's gone. Thank God. 

If you were to ever read all these, something tells me you would be very confused. About the kids, the bittersweet memories, and me. I've always had a feeling that you found me confusing. That's true, isn't it? I never made any sense with my words, and imagined thingsI liked to pretend were real. I guess it just keeps me... all right... talking and interacting with the kids. I love them, you know. You would too. Anyways, like I said before, something happened. Are you ready for it yet? 

So, so depressing, these letters. They're about my life, and what you're missing out on. Does that make my life depressing? I hope not. What do you think? How are you holding up, on your own?

Lots of love, 

Liam xoxo

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