January 11 2001

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January 10th, 2001

Dear Lisa,

That box sure was full of lovely memories. Such as a poem that I wrote to you in the old days. Hopefully you remember it, since it was embarrassing and I'd rather not repeat it. It was a little while after we'd started dating, and I believe it was titled 'Mystery Girl'. It made you start crying, anyways. I hope that's a good thing.

In those sappy romance novels you always loved to watch, the guy would do something sappy for the girl and she would start crying. Then, on top of all that sappiness, there would be a sappy ending. Is that what you want? Because if it is, then I'm not sure I can deliver. Sorry, love.

Either way, I may have something planned for when you get back. In my head, in the perfect reality (which I know will be real), you come back soon enough and I'm still at home when you return. Does that sound about right? Yeah. Sure it does.

Lots of love,

Liam xoxo

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