September 9 2000

166 6 3

September 9th, 2000

Dear Lisa, 

The kids say hi. They say they love you, miss you, need you. Just like I said. Just like we all know. But Grace said something different today... she said that she's happy for you. Sure, she knows you're coming back, but until then, she's all right with you being gone. I guess that's a good thing - well, maybe a great thing. She's not completely and utterly breaking down like I am. Not that the kids know that. When I cry, I always make sure it's not in front of them. They need to look up to their father. 

They need to look up to their mother. This family has no mother figure. Even if I were to get a girlfriend (which I won't, with you coming back and all - not that I could anyways), then it wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't love her as much as I once loved you. You know what they say... you let the one you love go, but it will never be the same because a part of your heart will always love them. Do they say that? Or is it just me who says that? Who's "they" anyways? 

Sorry for the rant. I guess I just need to talk to someone... again. Maybe I should get a phycaatrist or something, someone who just listens. I think I mentioned that already, and how it would be such a boring occupation. Well, for me at least. You know that though. You always called me... creative. If I was so creative, then I guess I would have found a way to bring you back already. 

But that hasn't happened, has it? 

Lots of love, 

Liam xoxo

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