September 7 2000

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September 7th, 2000

Dear Lisa, 

Why aren't you here? I miss you. I need you. I love you. All things I've already said, yet still reign true. So why do I keep repeating them? Because I know that if I do then maybe one day you'll believe me. You are beautiful enough for me. You are kind enough for me. You are enough for me. 

Tom's ankle is healing. He doesn't have crutches anymore, but it's still in a cast. Grace loves going to the park so she can hang out with Carson. It's adorable. 

Just so you know, I may have to leave for a while. Not physically leave town, but stop writing letters. Only for a little while, and yes, I know, I just got back on top of them again. You don't mind, right? Well, of course you don't. You never mind. 

Once again, I can't sleep. I keep thinking about that day. And then writing to you makes me think about that day. Talking to the kids makes me think about that day. 

And that day was horrible. It was the day my life fell apart. 

Lots of love, 

Liam xoxo

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