February 12 2001

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February 12th, 2001

Dear Lisa, 

This isn't how I wanted things to go. Not at all. But the reason I was away for so long was because I was in treatment. The harsh reality. I didn't want you to know, but I can't just leave without explanation. You would never forgive me, would you?

So, listen. It's time for me to go. Very soon. The kids are all right, they're with your parents, while I am currently lying on a turquoise bed in a big white hospital room. Don't be scared for me though, Lisa. Don't be scared for me. It's my time, and I'll get there when I get there. Just remember this one last thing; I love you. Like I've said a million times, and I'll say a million more. I love you, Lisa, and don't you ever forget that. So. As I say my last goodbyes, I wipe my teardrops from this page. Goodbye letters to Lisa. 

And Lisa? Maybe you should be happy. We'll finally get to be together. See you soon. 

Lots of love, 

Liam xoxo

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