July 22 2000

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July 22nd, 2000

Dear Lisa, 

Hey. I guess I'm running out of 'creative greetings'... not that I really had any to begin with. Should I start saying hi in foreign languages? I know you would get a kick out of that. 

You know what always puts a smile on my face? Thinking about the kids. I love them to death. They love you too, even though you're not here right now - but how could they not love you? I mean, I know I do. Doesn't everyone? 

Talking about Tom and Grace reminds me of the longest time we ever sat down together in our lives; the naming process. Jeez, how long did that take? We decided on the name Grace because you heard it in a book once and you thought it was pretty. Tom was the name of my great-uncle. It certainly did take a while though! 

I think being with you was the smartest thing I've ever done in my life. 

And letting you leave was the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. 

How about you? What are your regrets and nonregrets? I could take a guess; I know that your greatest choice in life was going to university instead of college when they accepted you, otherwise you wouldn't have been an author. And I think that your biggest regret would probably be... not looking ahead of you. Not seeing what was right there when it was coming. 

Not being able to get out of the way. 

You regret that, right? 

Lots of love, 

Liam xoxo

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