A Fly In The Wall

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During lunch, Yang seemed distant and angry. Halfway through, Blake couldn't take it anymore and dragged Yang back to their room. This didn't stop Ruby from continuing to shoot off question after question about Blue Team's origin.

"Who are you four, like some sort of Atlas military experiment? Or-" Weiss asked, excitedly.

"Oh, oh, are you robots? Or alien Ninjas from Mistral?" Ruby interjected, jumping on top of the table and mimicking karate chops (with sound effects).

"Well," Kelly said chuckling, glancing over to John for what to say. He quickly signed in the Spartan's version of sign language, Affirmative. Don't. Show. Secret. Kelly understood, it meant don't reveal anything classified, which was basically the entire Spartan program.

She turned to Ruby and Weiss and said' "We've had some training already, just not specifically huntsman training. I would explain, but you should probably show us where the next class is so we aren't late.

Blake hoped that Blue Team quickly figured out that Professor Port's class was mostly stories and ramblings. You don't have to take notes (and if you do, you'll fill three notebooks of total bologna every class).

If you just do the assigned readings and some additional research in the library, you'll most likely pass. However, today seemed different. Port actually included the class more this time. He was telling a tale of defeating Ursa Majors in some place in Mistrel when he said something that caught everyone by surprise.

"Today for the last fifteen minutes of the class, I will be showing you the main weak points of most Grimm in the form of an Oral exam."

He began walking around the room, asking questions. Nobody was spared. Mercy was not considered. Port got around to Linda, to whom he asked:

"You there young lady, can you tell me what the main weak points of a Beowulf are?"

Ruby spoke up. "Professor, she's never fought one, and the only one she saw was just a flash as she was waking up from being unconscious."

"No, it's fine." Replied Linda, "If I can see a picture of one of these Beowolves I'm sure it will be evident?"

"I don't see why not," said the Professor.

Weiss produced a simple picture of a Beowulf on her Scroll and passed it to the Spartan, stared at it for a few seconds before answering:

"The weaknesses are the eyes, hips, knees and the wrists."

"You are partially correct young lady," Professor Port stated, trying to cover up his obvious surprise.

"The knees, hips, and eyes are correct, but the Beowolves' arms and wrists are some of the strongest parts of its body, making it almost useless to attack that area. If you had heavy armor piercing rounds, you could use them to cripple the attack, which is something I have used to my advantage many a time in my long and heroic huntsman career. Say, did you ever hear my story of the tie that I used to strangle a Goliath?"

Port strode around the room recounting his tale, completely forgetting his promise of an oral exam to the rest of the class, whether it was true or not couldn't be determined at the moment, though surely some of the details were exaggerated quite a bit. This reminded Blake of a certain huntress in training. She glanced up at Nora, who was completely engrossed in Port's story.

She was the only one in the class who seemed to pay any attention whatsoever during Port's ramblings.

The bell rang and Port yelled something about doing assigned readings as the class quickly evacuated his room.

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