All Hell Breaks Loose

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People started flooding out of the doors to the landing pad and Fred tried to find an atlesian military transport, since they'd probably not be waiting for civilians to get on, while silently congratulating Kelly on whatever she did to get people moving.

Fred spotted exactly what he needed, a small transport with a pilot, and two crewmen in the back that had just dropped off their load of robotic soldiers.

Fred walked up to the transport and jumped in, showing the credentials Ozpin gave him to the pilot and said to him, "I need to get to Beacon, I'm acting as a message runner,"

The pilot looked back at him as the engines spun up, "we can get you close, but you'll have to jump, I can't take the time to get that low with this many Grimm running around,"

Fred looked out the cockpit, and sure enough the streets below were being swept over by a black tide, and there were winged Grimm swarming the skies. Fred commended John, he was right again, things were coming together, and not in a good way.

Fred squeezed back into the open air transport area just as it was taking off and the other two crew members were slamming shut massive doors meant to be Grimm proof.

One of the two crew turned and addressed Fred, "you've got approximately one minute to drop, Red will let you know when to go," the man pointed to the pilot's seat.

The other guy walked over to the back of the cabin and opened a hatch, pulling out a backpack and handing it to Fred, "Parachute. Which I don't think you should be getting, as we're technically not supposed to give away military property for free, but—"

He was cut short as the other guy interrupted him, "look at the guy, do you seriously think it's going to matter if you give it to him or he takes it, and he just beat last year's champs, then went on to beat one of the best individual fighters in the current tournament scene?"

The man sighed and handed the parachute to Fred who quickly loosened the harness and strapped it on.

The pilot suddenly shouted back into the cabin, "Brace yourselves, evasive maneuvers and a few angry bastards of nevermores."

The other two crew members ran over to seats and strapped themselves in as Fred reached up to the ceiling and grabbed a bar with both hands, anchoring himself in place.

The transport tucked into a roll, then a fast curve flowing into a dive, the Gs started to rise as the pilot maneuvered the clunky transport, and Fred looked over to see one of the crew members had already passed out with the other looking woozy.

Fred heard the cannons attached to the front of the bird spit their flaming dust of death at the Nevermores flocking around outside.

The Transport shook and Fred heard shattering glass as he saw a nevermore's feather flick through the cockpit. He ran up to the door and peered inside.

The pilot was still alive, but had a large gash cut across the top of his chest and shouting obscenities at the nevermores that had dared touch his precious bird.

The cannons fired again, and another nevermore turned to cracked bone and torn flesh,

Fred peered out the cockpit, and was shocked at the pure amount of tangoes outside the cracked viewport. This pilot was good.

Red must have noticed Fred standing just behind him and said, "As much as I hate to admit it, we don't have much time left in the air, I advise you get going.

I'm going down fighting if I'm going down though, grab the other two and jump."

Fred nodded, "Affirmative,"

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