Ep 4

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Ragin stood from her seat. 'adi, will come now Ragini' Sahadev tried to assure her, she smiled not letting know what she is feeling now, besides that she got adi's call. There was a fear of losing him, she asked him almost 10 times that he is happy about their marriage or not, he said he is ready. Excusing herself she goes to a room. She could listen some gossips of few ladies which she ignored.

'where are you Adi?' Ragini questioned him sternly. 'I am sorry' he could mutter this much. Deep inside her heart she already knew that she have lost him. She wanted to know the reason, why now?. Why not before? Did he wanted to insult her and her dad in front of the guests?. If he once said that he don't want to do this marriage she would have happily agreed. 'where are you?' she was stern again.

Picking up the car keys she goes out, 'Ragini, where are you going?' questioned her dad. But her love for her dad was more than her pain. She smiled hiding her pain. 'i will be back, trust me dad' saying this she went away not waiting for other questions.


The crowd made her feel weak, taking a deep breath she stepped in. 'Qubool hai' she managed to listen from adi. She was already broken, and adi Completes the marriage by both the tradition and ends with tying a nuptial chain around her neck. Ragini witnessed all this, she wanted to question him, Adi sees her. Ragini goes from there. Whatever may be the reason he hurt her. He followed her excusing himself.

'Why?' she managed to ask him in a heavy rain, which is dragging her painful tears along with it's big drops. Adi closed his eyes reminding himself the previous days incident.

'I need to tell zoya, i can't keep her in dark' Adi said this with adamant as well as painful. 'Though, how much I love her, i have to do this for my Dad' s happiness'thinking this with a determination he goes to meet zoya.

Zoya and her sister Alia were crying in front of their father's lifeless body. Dai jaan was consoling them. But the man has left his two daughters in the evil world. Some were looking at them with pity, some were bored and some were with evil plans in their brain. A father is a best protector of his daughters , if he leaves them then it's miserably hard for the daughters to live in this evil world. Adi who have come up with the determination, which seems to be broken after he witnessed both the sister and Especially Zoya. He simply went to her and forwards his hand to zoya. At this moment he was blank, he felt what the situation made him to do is a right one. Zoya gives her hand to him, which showed the world that he is with her and the family.

After listening him about his decision, Ragini held Adi's both hands in her she smiled little, 'do you love her?' though she knew that he loves zoya. She wanted to listen for him. He nods her. 'Go, she is alone' Ragini said to him, hiding her pain from him. 'i am sorry'. 'Don't'.she sees zoya and her sister standing little far from them watching them. She took him to zoya and kept his hand on zoya's palm. Smiling at them she turned with the change of her expression smile into pain. Zoya was unaware of Adi and Ragini's wedding. Ragini had a urge to ask him why he didn't tell it before but when she saw zoya and her sister, she couldn't ask it. Fate has everything preplanned who is destined to whom? And when the two souls turn one, only fate decides.


Guests have left Sahaani's mansion. Sahadev was tensed, first of all adi was missing and secondly Ragini went somewhere? What's happening in his home?. Pooja had some negative feelings, she prayed to God to keep her family safe by lighting diya. But it blows off indicating her that something bad going to occur. She feared looking idol praying to keep her family safe and together.

'Ragini' Ragini's dad uttered shocked, seeing her wet like she drenched in Rain. Adi came behind Ragini holding Zoya along with him. Pooja Sahadev and Ragini's dad were shocked to see Adi married Zoya. Ragini held her daddy's hand and took him from there by saying'i will answer you everything, please don't ask anything now!'. He looked at his daughter then At Adi and Sahadev, without saying a single word he went away with his daughter. Ragini knew that if she stays there the moment may heat up more, it was better to leave from there along with her father.

' Dad.' Adi tried to reason. It was that he broke all the dreams of Sahadev in one moment. Didn't he love him like his own son, only to see this day?. Dadi and nanu sees Sahadev, as his anger have reached peaks.

'Sahaani!' Sahadev shouted. Making everyone to look at him. 'The name was given to you by me. Did you once realise it? No, you didn't. I think i have failed to know my so.. Aditya'. Adi closed his eyes letting down his painful tears. 'I don't need such son, who doesn't value my teachings or go against me. Just leave' Sahadev said making everyone shocked. Pooja cries 'suniye..' but Sahadev didn't listen 'keh diya na bas kehdiya'. 'He doesn't belong to our family anymore' he declared it to his family.

'uncle ji' zoya cried. She didn't wanted to become the hurdle for his family, never in her wildest dream she wanted to. But Adi nods in negative . He holds her shoulders and took her from there. Pooja ran behind them,her part was leaving her how could she tolerate it. 'Pooja' his voice stopped her steps. She cried stopping at a point. Dadi and nanu cried as nobody couldn't stop this.


Nanu and dadi were crying 'Adi, never came back from then' nanu said. Tears battled to flow down his eyes. 'he never called us' dadi said. Sanskar hugs them both. 'please, you don't leave like Adi did' they cried. 'we miss him'.

Sanskar consoled them. 'i am promising you both that, i will bring bhaiyya back to home'

Sanskar stood to leave from there to his home. 'Ragini, she is married now?' he asked with heavy heart.

They looks at him. Next sentence from nanu shocked him.


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I don't want to write if you don't like, i was not any writer. It is really hard to write, if it's not up to appreciation then pls tell me.

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