E P I S O D E - 15

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"Episode 15 - Seeing you happy."    

The hotel three story high, all yellow and iron rails. The inside was as yellow as the outside. The area was also covered in light snow and the city seemed much sunnier than Mountilse. I welcomed the soft rays of sun on my face when I stood on the balcony while Gabe showered inside. The yellow sun shone on the white snow, glowing like highlights on cheekbones. I savoured the feel of it.

It felt like a new day. A better day, in fact. Birds chirping, the swishing sound of cars rushing. Abruptly, I looked down to find Ansel slowly rolled into a halt into the parking lot not much further than where I was standing. There was row a tall bush covered in sprinkles of snow that divided the packing lot and the lawn. I guessed in summer, the snow covered part under the balconies was a swimming pool.

I watched Ansel get out of his truck, open the back passenger door and pull out large plastic bags filled with food. My mouth watered. I was in long pyjamas but I still put on boots, used Gabe's huge to cover me. Shouting a quick be right back, I took the spare key card and legged it down corridor and down the stairs. Nahele and Leo was down stairs, with some men and when they saw me, their hands immediately reached for their guns on their hips.

"Food." I ran past them to intercept Ansel.

I felt good, alive. I felt free.

He saw me coming, halted in place.

"There's more in the trunk." Handed me one bag. More like I snatched it from him. Looking through I took out the wings, tree burger and fries bag.

"Why do you get the first dibs?" Leo took the bag next. A whole crowd had gathered.

"Because I was passed out for the first one." Someone else walked up to the car, called us over to get our drinks. All plastic cups and straws.

"You snore by the way." It was Vincent.

"Your face snores." I retorted back, making the others snicker. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" He was awake for the whole day and whole night.

"After the food. I will." He picked out a bag and started chomping on his burger.

"I bought enough to feed a town." Ansel got himself a burger.

"Are these all non-veg? I asked for a vegetarian one." Another guy from Nahele's group scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"Ergh!" Ansel grumbled. "Do I look like your servant? Get it yourself." I felt bad for Ansel. He seemed like he always got the grunt of he works.

"Thank you Ansel. I hope you get a good day's sleep." I took my wings, and tree paper bags of burger and fries and two drinks back towards the hotel with me. Looking up, I found Gabe on the balcony, wearing sweats and a long t-shirt. I was holding the bags against my boobs with my arm blocking them them. Giving him a big smile I quickly trotted up the stairs to find Gabe waiting for me with the door open.

"Here." I handed him a drink and two bags. I kept the wings and the other one. "I'll share the wings, don't worry." Giving him a mischievous smile I plopped down in the middle of the bed after taking my boots and coat off.

"You could have waited and allowed me to go with you." I started chomping down on the wings while watching NCIS.

Gabe followed suit. "You seem happy. I like seeing you happy." He leaned back, started chomping on his burger. "You got me two full meals?" He was amused.

"Of course I did. You look like you lost weight in one night." I Eyed his tight grey t-shirt. I knew I was over reacting over his health but I knew what I went through when I was tied up myself. The pure terror I felt. It still brought tears to my eyes and sank my heart in fear.

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