2 Moody

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Nightmares! Every soldier has them,  even me. especially me, all because of that case in America where I met the gods!

Those gods are annoying,  one of the reasons I perfer to stay in England. even if I wake up from my nightmare about my encounter with the minotaur every couple of days.

I looked around the room to ensure myself that I was safe. Where was Percy?  He was supposed to be to be sleeping on the extra bed in my room!

I immediately drew my wand and crept out of the room. I use my eye to look through the walls for him, he was in front of Mrs Black's portrait?

I quietly crept down the two floors to where he was. I wanted to know what he was doing. I listen listened closely...

"So, pure- blood is when there's no muggle in your family line,  half blood is when one of your parents isn't pure blood,  and mudblood is when neither of your parents were a wizard? " he asked  the painting

"Yes, now what was a pure blood that that has no magic?" She asked

"Squib?" He replied uncertainly

"Correct!" She replied happily


The wizarding world is confusing, your ancestry matters! Their currency System is strange! thank gods I found someone to talk to... even if she's just a painting.

Oh well.  Beggers can't be choosers. Honestly, I'm  kinda wondering something...

"Why were you covered under a sheet?" She immediately frowned

"I was a horrible mother, I pushed my children to do horrible things,  one did... and now... he's dead. " I saw a tear form in her eye, "and the worst part: I disowned my living child.  He hates me!"

To be hated by someone you cared about. My life right now. "I'm  sure he doesn't,  it's nearly impossible to hate your parents,  angry maybe,  but not hate. " I snapped at her, her eyes were wide with shock!

"I hope your right. " she mumbled,  there was an awkward silence before she spoke again, "could you cover me again?"

I nodded as I lifted the sheet over her portrait, "thanks for talking to me." I mumbled

I suddenly heard my stomach rumble, guess I'm hungry. I walked down the hall towards the kitchen, I smiled remembering that i had washed the dishes already. I checked the fridge and cupboards for the ingredients.


I watched as Percy started to cook something.  My first instincts told me poisen. But I continued to observe him,  he talked to kreacher a few times, who quickly ran to grab items from around the room.

When it looked like he was almost finished, I walked into the room, he sat down at the table... with... blue pancakes?

I sat down across from him, he brought so many questions to mind.  Should I ask him or... break into his mind?

"Ask away. " he suddenly stated, I then realized that I was glaring at him

"Why did you cry yourself to sleep last night? " I barked at him

"Because... i don't have to pretend to be strong anymore. " he replied quietly, he began to start to shovel his food into his mouth.

"What other 'magical people' were you claimed by?" I asked,  remembering Albus' words

He visibly stiffened, "I don't know what your talking about." He lied

Why? "Why are you covering your arms even though your sweating?"

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