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"Dumbledore didn't even mention how long Grubby- Plank is staying. " I stated as we sat down at the Gryffindor table

"Well..." Hermione started

"What? " I asked at the same time as Ron

"Maybe he didn't want to draw attention to Hagrid not being here. " she suggested

"What do you mean not draw attention? " Ron half laughed, "how could we not noticed? "

Before we could respond a tall black girl with long braided hair. Her name was Angelina. She marched straight up to me, "hello, Angelina. " I greeted her

"Hello. " she said briskly, "Good summer? " without waiting for a reply she continued, "listen, I've been made the quidditch captain. "

I couldn't help smiling, "nice one!" I bet her speeches are shorter than Wood's

"Yeah, well, we need a new Keeper, since Wood left. Tryouts are on Friday at five o'clock and I want the whole team there, alright? Then we can see who we work best with. "

"Okay." I replied, she smiled before leaving

"I forgot Wood left. " Hermione said vaguely, she pulled a plate of toast towards her. "I suppose that will make the team different, huh?"

"Yeah. " I replied, "he was a good Keeper."

"Can't hurt to have new blood, will it?" Ron asked

Suddenly a whoosh could be heard, I looked up to see hundreds of owls come soaring in through the upper widows. I stole a glance at the Hufflepuff table to see Percy talking with the other housemates, he seemed happy. Who said he could be happy?

I looked at Hermione, she had moved her orange juice to make room for a large barn owl, I noticed she was now holding a copy of the Dailey prophet.

"Why are you bothering? " I asked

"I'm not, I just want to know what they enemy is saying." She explained simply

Whatever. I looked down the table and sure enough professor McGanagall was almost to us with our schedules. I ate toast until she made it to us.

My schedule was... horrible!

History of magic! Division with Hufflepuff, Double potions with Hufflepuff, and double DADA with Hufflepuff!" Ron exclaimed

I nodded in agreement, "Bins, Snape, Trelawney, and Umbridge!"

"Wish Fred and George would hurry with their skiving snacks. " Ron pouted

"Do my ears deceive me?" Came one of their voices

"A perfect wants a skiving snack?" Came the other's


My first class that this school is taught by a ghost, awesome! Not! I fell asleep during it. Thank Gods a classmate woke me up, sadly they disappeared before I could follow him!

I was running down a hall, I turned a corner when nearly bumped into a man! He dropped the book he was holding, I quickly snatched it out of the air.

"Sorry about that. " I apologized as handed the book to him

"It's... alright. " he has greasy black hair and a crooked nose, "What class are you supposed to be in? "

I glanced at my schedule, "potions."

He narrowed his eyes, "in here."

He casually opened the door he was next to.

"Thank you. "

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